"The only step left is to do it." LoVe LuCy
We all do it.
We spend more time than we should (I don't believe in the word "should" but it works with this smile...) wishing, pondering, reflecting, speculating, even dwelling on where we would rather be, and what we would rather be doing.
It is in our nature to feel, at certain times, that we are not exactly where we would choose to be, had we an opportunity to choose again, right now.
We know that whatever we resist persists. Over thinking or resenting any part of our lives right now, we are focusing on things that will only expand.
Each one of us has a dream, and "spark" within us that is just waiting to come to life. By realizing that we are just where we need to be, and meeting and relating to just the perfect people to help us get to that perfect place; we can start focusing more on what that looks like, for us, in a positive way, knowing it exists for us, when we are ready, rather than looking at not having what we want, at all.
Anything that happens over night is not usually something that last a lifetime. If you are looking at investing in the long term, take short term steps like daily meditations, surrounding yourself with inspiring people, taking time out to write your thoughts, and most importantly, standing in your body knowing that all you want is all you already are.
And Be It! LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
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