"Take everything One Thing At A Time." LoVe LuCy
Monday mornings can get us a bit overwhelmed with the tasks that sit on our desk, perhaps many of which were not finished from the week last. The last thing any of us enjoy is the piling up of things we have to get done.
Paying bills, filing paperwork, filing taxes; you name it, we all have a list, some of us much longer than we can even imagine. Just as with anything, when we can take things one thing at a time, with more focus, rather than get flustered by all that floats around in our minds, we can make our lives that much more motivating to get things done.
We can truly do one thing at a time, whether we believe we are the most successful multitaskers. Sure we can do our best to kill two birds with one stone, but in order to leave no stone left unturned in our tasks, being mindful and taking our careful time with what we need to get done, can be all the calm we need, in our little worlds of chaos. Writing a list and prioritizing our thoughts on what is imperative to get done now, v.s. what can truly wait, we can knock off our stresses, successfully, one thing at a time.
Leaving time for ourselves knowing that some things can wait! LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
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