"Everything is for something"Love Lucy
At times, when things seem to be going the opposite way from what we want, we can feel uncertain.
Of course we can.
Why are things not working in what is our "working order?"
The flow of life, and the energy that surrounds it, can have us feeling things we wish not to.Pain, sadness, anger, upset, resentment, fear, anxiety.
You name it. When our hearts are perhaps breaking, or our whole inner world seems to be shaking, how can we not wonder why things can feel so hard, and yet be told, it is all in divine order?
When we are in the midst of a storm, our focus is, of course, on the moments of the movements that this storm is creating.
Our minds, as powerful as they are, are not always so powerful to be in a state of understanding, let alone acceptance for such lack of happiness.
But, as with anything, once the storm clears, and the clouds move away, we can always see, like a rainbow, in the sky; the silver lining to which this storm's meaning and purpose has.
Seeing that every experience we have, is not only to help us, but also to strengthen our abilities, we can allow the storms to pass through, and detach from their painful blows.
Detachment is not easy, but the rewards are worthwhile, when the winds die down, and we are left with the gorgeous glow, in our hearts, that can only be created when we let life's purposes take place.
Come as they may.
LuCy sMiLeS
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