"Reality is a sure thing."
LoVe LuCy
Life, in all its glory, definitely has a glorious way reminding us the many things that we soon forget. With days getting busy and our lives flying by so quickly, we can also be quick to disregard our feelings. Our emotions, which change from moment to moment, can get the best of us at times. Other times, we are so overwhelmed with life's chaos, we have no idea how to even understand what it is we are feeling.
We go through experiences to shed light on our lives in ways that will allow us, ourselves, to shine our brightest.
And if we made a decision, in the past that was best for us, and we waiver from this, after the fact, the Universe will gladly take us back to that place, and remind us what was, and why it isn't to be, now.
Going back and forth may seem like a countless feat, but as many times as it is needed, is needed, for us, in our constant growth.
Be it changing jobs, cities, or even changing relationships; we must allow ourselves to walk through life, however we need, at the moment in which we need it.
No one understands what our needs are more than us, ourselves. We have friends, guides and Angels all around us to help in assisting in many ways; but the way to go, is always best, from whatever our hearts tell us, in the end.
Live in the moment, and don't let stress take a moment of your happiness. Make the best of every day you are given, giving as much to others as you can now, today. Don't ever, not even for a moment, let anyone take your light away.
LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
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