"Once you know, you know."
Love LuCy
What is the voice and the tools that create that voice, when it comes to hearing our hearts sing when we come to that place of certainty for why we are here, and what we were meant to do with our lives?
It can take many forms. Sometimes the voice comes from a teacher, a parent, or guardian. When we were young, and for some, later in life. Maybe it was the voice from a great friend we have known all of our lives, who have seen us grow up, seen us grow, and seen us grow out of habits that were hindering our growth. Maybe it came from someone we just met.
Someone who saw something in us, that we didn't even know was there this whole time. However we hear that voice, and whether we perhaps have yet to hear it;
It is there, waiting to be heard. We all have a purpose, and all have a passion inside of us, waiting to ignite. We are only given what we truly need, to grow.
Sometimes these voices can seem like yelling, and screaming or even belittling.
By understanding that what is in front of us, at any time, and everytime, is absolutely put there for the purpose of us being shown our truth, we can perhaps be more understanding of life, love and what that needs to look like, for our individual desires to be set free from the captivity of not being seen to the outside world. Sometimes the first part is going against the grain and not trying to be what everyone else wants us to be.
The best part? Being all that we want and can truly be, in this World.
LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
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