"Ask clear questions and get clear answers." Love LuCy
Having a blackberry can be extremely beneficial, especially when you are running your own business and your business can build itself when you are on the road. For me, my blackberry definitely gets good use, however, I am not aware of many of the technical aspects and benefits it offers other than how to email, text, take pictures or answer the calls. One very interesting benefit of the blackberry is the "voice dialing" feature, which, even still I have no idea how to work it. The only way I knew it existed was that I would very often accidently press the side button, and this woman's voice would say loud & clear; "SAY A COMMAND." I got so excited when she would speak to me, I have been, ever since, simply saying commands to her, of my wishes and dreams and "I AM " statements! "I AM SUCCESSFUL" "I AM FINDING LOVE IN ALL FORMS!" "FINANCIAL FREEDOM COMES EASILY TO ME" So, every once in a while, I will be holding my blackberry, embracing it almost like Aladdin's lamp, when she comes to me, and asks me to say a command! It may sound silly, but it truly allows me to get back to centre, and realize what my dreams and desires are, as when I hear her voice, it prompts me to listen to my own. Owning our path and guiding ourselves along the way is never an easy task. With fear, insecurity and lack of confidence in our quest for greatness, it is so important to take a moment, every day and truly dig deep to what it is that is the truth of what you wish for . So take a moment and make your wishes last a lifetime! LoVe,
LuCy sMiLeS
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