"Sometimes, there are just some things you cannot explain; until you can." LoVe LuCy
Our emotions change by the minute. Our feelings, and even our confidence can get tested in a moment's notice as well, making us a bit uncertain as to how we truly feel.
Because we work with energy, when our own energy is high or low, we see circumstances from that viewpoint.
Our vibrations are what carry us forward, and move us along, attracting like-minded vibrations.
When our vibrations change, our attractions change, accordingly. We can fly by the seat of our pants in life, and fly face to face with amazing people, making us feel amazing.
As we work with our feelings, starting with our own about ourselves, we can see that we may have alot of uncertainty as to where we stand with ourselves, and therefore making it sometimes, next to impossible to understand our connection with others.
Our lives in all its wonder, can be wonderfully spent by truly getting to know ourselves, loving ourselves at any given moment, no matter whether we feel we have made mistakes, made a mess of a situation, or even made a fool of ourselves along the way.
Take a part of your day, to remember your worth, your soul's purpose and your passion that drives that vibration to the highest level, so you get the most out of life, and the most from all of your relationships.
Time can heal wounds, and even a broken heart. Loving yourself is the best way to start.
LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
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