"Clear as the sun shines, our truth shines." Love Lucy
Why is it that we can see so objectively, when others are going through things, we have no question what the appropriate steps to take are?
Our friends, and our family members can come to us asking our advice, and our advice is usually always there for the taking.
But, with looking within, it seems even when we take careful consideration to what we feel, we can still be a bit cloudy as to what that looks like.
Decisions are not always easy to make, especially when we have a lot riding on them.
Feeling like we have stopped at a fork in the road, which way to turn can turn our stomachs. Even though we know that we are going to be ok, ultimately, it can feel scary to take a turn, thinking it could very well be a turn for the worst.
Our destinies are very much ours to create. How we keep going in our lives, and where that road takes us can always have room for self discussion.
And, when we cannot step one foot in front of the other, we will ask our support system to step in with their two cents, to help us make sense of it all. And then, it will all makes sense, until it doesn't again. And that is life.
Acknowledging that we can make a decision, and make a decision to change our minds, depending on how we feel. Our lives are always ours to create it as best we can, with what we have.
The more we get to know ourselves, and what our feelings are, and why, the more consistent clarity we will have about what stands before us, and what lies ahead.
Until then, patience for our inner journey is the key to loving ourselves for all that we are, right now, whatever that looks like, and loving those around us, just the same. LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
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