"If it's not happening with now, don't worry about it."
LoVe LuCy
Our minds so powerful can hold such information, from days years, decades past, still giving us room to ponder and worry about day, years and decades that do not even yet exist.
Why is it that we thoughts in such regard, regarding the past and the future, that have absolutely no power over us, right now?
There is nothing harmful about reminiscing about experiences that had us smiling, connecting and caring so much.But how much of what we think about really holds such a place in our lives, at this very moment that hinders us from our growth going forward?
Worrying about what has happened, that we cannot change, and tormenting ourselves over what has yet to take place, can leave us living less than abundant, at this very moment.
Our lives, are a series of events based on our own thoughts, feelings and emotions that we carry in them. We have it in us to bring out the best in life, every moment that we are given.
Carry on, carrying love, kindness and gratitude for having this day be given, and don't bring any other energies that have taken place, or have yet to take place. Believe that the worst is over, and the best is yet to come!
LuCy sMiLeS
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