"Change can be as Far Out as Your Thoughts!"
Love LuCy
It is no coincidence that as soon as we change how we look at things, things around us change accordingly. Just as we, ourselves, are connected to each other, our thoughts are connected to each other as well.
When we have a thought that may be of worry, we will notice many more things to worry about, above and beyond that initial thought. Same goes for thoughts on abundance.When you believe all will pan out well, so much more greatness comes in, not even planned for.
We have all, I am sure, heard of self fulfilling prophecies, of which when you think something is going to happen it usually does.
If you are like me, you have people in your life that just seems a lot of chaos surrounds them. Drama...Bad Luck... You name it. Just the same, many people around of whom many positive things seem to constantly take place.
Love...Success...Good Luck...
Of all these people in your life, you can add yourself to both piles, depending on your thoughts on circumstances, in life. I know, for myself, I have been both surrounded by drama s much as surrounded by luck. I look back on what I was thinking when all the "supposed" luck would fly in, I even remember my sister calling me once and saying to me..."It is like you have a golden Horseshoe up your...." Sorry for the details, it goes with my smile.
I realized, that "yes" in fact I always had so much coming my way, and in reflection, my mind space was always so abundant, but MOREOEVER, so daily grateful, that every day in so many ways, I always received abundance in return.
The great thing about this, is that we all have it in us, to get out of life, all that we ever imagined possible. And it all starts with a thought.Change your thoughts, change your luck; change your life.
Don't take my word for it; just make up your mind!
LuCy sMiLeS
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