"Leave it behind unless it builds you up!" LoVe LuCy
It is natural for us, when moving forward, to sneak a peak behind us, every once in a while. Sometimes we do it, to be sure it is still back there, and not creeping up to us, to affect our present.
Other times, however, we stare too closely in that rearview mirror, allowing those mental objects not only to appear closer than they are, or should be, for that matter; but we allow them to be in our view, making our present moment a bit cloudier than need be. All of us have memories, people, experiences, that have perhaps clouded our judgement on experiences moving forward.
The great thing about this is that we can leave it all behind us, by walking forward, with no judgement, at all!
It takes all the complication of trying to understand what things are, and how people are, when we simply let it be what it is, without looking at it, from any memory of the past. Of course, we are here to go through things to grow, and it is important for us to learn from what we go through.
But, by staring at something and giving such energy to our present moment from all that has transpired in the past, we may not be giving our all right now.
Look to the future, with an open heart, and opening yourself up to all the possibilities that life has to offer.
Offer your hand to those in need, no matter how closed off others may have been to you, before now.
LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
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