"With Words Comes Results!"
LoVe LuCy
Take a moment right now to think of the last thoughts you had before reading this smile.
I am hoping the last thing you thought of was; "Oh yay! I am so excited to read LuCy's Daily smile! WAHEW!"...
Ok, but before that.
We know, consciously, how important it is to pay attention to our thoughts. We know that from what we think, we feel; and from what we feel, we then live out. That's just the way life goes. Whatever energy goes into our thoughts, results in how our lives play out.
We can be cheery and blissful, and still spill our coffee on ourselves. Perhaps, after the burn, depending on how hot it is, we can decide that it isn't going to ruin our day; especially if we are blessed to have another few bucks to replace it.
Waking up this morning, I made a decision that I am going to make the most of each moment, no matter what the moment gives, because "I AM" who I am, no matter what happens to me.
Can you do the same?
If you feel you are saying a great deal of things not so great in your mind, can you see how, in your life, you are seeing the manifestation of these thoughts?
Do you realize that once you make a decision to change your mind's conversations, you can change the results in front of you, faster than you would ever imagine?
Try it for a day, a week, however long it takes for you to see, before your very eyes that whatever words you speak, have energy, and with that is the energy of your life.
LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
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