"Just Ask." Love Lucy
You have heard the saying "If you don't ask, you don't get."
Like anything, it is easier said than done.
No matter what it is we are looking for answers for in our lives, we must be more specific the questions we are asking. There is nothing wrong with having uncertainty, or not being quite sure what it is we are thinking or feeling on a certain matter. However long we need to sit with our thoughts and our emotions is absolutely fine.
Although a lot of headaches and heartaches can be remedied if we took just a moment to sit with and ask ourselves direct enough questions to get a direct enough answer.
While so many times we may not be sure even what the questions would look like, by exercising our minds even if it is simply to jot questions down about our overall feelings, we can then use this information to hone in on the specific situations we are dealing with, clearing up a lot of what was just moments before, a whole lot of confusion.
Take a moment, in your day, when you feel at a loss of clarity, and write down questions that come to mind, no matter what they may seem like at first.
Chances are, your subconscious is crying out with answers, but need to be asked questions first before it can answer. Some questions you can ask yourself, if you need a head start are:
"What in this moment am I grateful for in my life?"
"What extra shift would make me feel more in alignment with my goals?"
"Where in my day have I wasted time?"
"What toxic emotions have been stopping my success in the last week?"
"What negative conversations with others have I been holding on to lately?"
"Who are the first 3 people that come to mind that boost my mood."
Random questions can bring a focused clarity when we see that much of our countless thoughts can be very instrumental in understanding what we carry with us, from day to day, and connection to connection.
Because energy doesn't die, we must be more accountable for how we carry the energy we do, and what that looks like, in our lives on a daily basis. Just remember for any questions you have, there is an answer waiting.So what are you waiting for? LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
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