"Say it with Spunk!"
LoVe LuCy
We live in a world of duality. Up and down. Right and wrong. Black and white.
It can be looked at as a challenge, walking through life seeing that not all things that happen to us are fabulous, and exciting.
Of course we want to wake up and breeze through the day, starting with the warm winds breezing through our hair. But sometimes it doesn't work that way.Unless, of course, we make it seem so.
Many of us have a job to do, that isn't exactly our passion.We may have errands to run, when we would rather run a bubble bath and cuddle up to a great book, or better yet, the great love of our lives.
But as it has it we have a role to play, in our own lives, and in the lives of others.
What we do have power over, however busy our lives get, is the power to be great to ourselves, telling ourselves great things; living moment to moment with gratitude for all that we do have.
Not everyone is blessed with a job to go to, to pay the bills, or a house filled with tedious chores, to keep it feeling like home.
Not all of us have an option to enjoy a bubble bath at all, let alone only after hours of chaotic craze! By seeing the beauty that surrounds us, starting with ourselves, and all of our blessings; busy as we may be, our mindset can go from mayhem to magical, in a moment's notice.
We just have to choose how we decide to look at things.
The great thing about duality, is we have the opportunity to chose the light side or the dark side when it comes to our thoughts.
Whatever we decide to see; is.Perhaps don't even give yourself the option to choose down when you can choose up; sad when you can choose happy. Whatever you choose is what will be true...
What do YOU want "true" to look like, for you?
LuCy sMiLeS
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