Sense & Sensibility
Sense & Sensibility
If we could have it our way, all great things, people and
experiences would come easily, and effortlessly, everyday, right?
Doesn’t it make sense that all that comes your way is a result
of your beliefs, experiences, habits and choices?
Where else would “what comes to us” come from?
Be sensible with your decisions, make sense in your mind
as to what is right for you. Your heart knows when something is not right.
Your heart knows when it is “just” right.
When you speak from the heart, you speak truth, love, compassion, and kindness.
In essence, being sensible in all aspects of our lives, leaves no need to worry,
question or be concerned whether or not we are on the right path,
doing the right thing, feeling the right emotion.
You know you are in the right place, at the right time, with the right people, when your body is at ease.
There is nothing more sensible than being cognizant of what your body is feeling simply by how it is physically reacting to your emotions.
Just as pictures speak a thousand words, as our bodies speak volumes
when it comes to acknowledging our decisions right now, it doesn’t waste time letting us know if we are off track.
So why wait to answer back? You can have anything your heart desires, but you must have the best relationship with yourself first, before you can be ready to offer yourself all that you deserve.
Make sense?
LuCy sMiLeS
Mind Your Business
Mind Your Business
From the first thought when you open your eyes to a brand new day,
to the last thought after the sun goes down, and your head hits the pillow…
We live such chaotic lives, we barely remember what came in between.
Running to our offices, coffee dripping on our white sleeves,
spending the whole morning checking and replying to emails, messages or
requests that were left from the week prior.
We sneak away to pick up a quick to go lunch, to energize us for the afternoon,
since we forgot to
grab a bite for breakfast…
And now it’s 3pm…. Time to check our emails (again)?
What are you doing in your day that is allowing you to grow?
Really making a difference in your life, to progress to the next step?
What is your daily schedule, or do you even have one set in place?
Are you running toward the finish line, scurrying in a life of fast and furious?
Or running around like a chicken with your head cut off?
Trying to find the handle on the many tasks pending; responding to people waiting; revising your “To Do” list to make it less intimidating?
Whether working for your own business, or working for another, our perception of “business” tends to be the busier the better… But what is busy to you? “Busy” once referred to being “actively and attentively” engaged in one’s work or pastime. This would ultimately lead to accomplishment of one’s duties as it clearly recognizes the focus of one’s mind to attain the end result.
Today’s interpretation is much less clearly defined on actual accomplishment, but rather the act of hustling, and being occupied in the mind, inundated with stress…
We must reflect on mind over matter.
Clearing your thoughts will lead to clearing your mind’s clutter to clearing your desk’s clutter too.
Chances are we will spend most of our weekday’s taking care of business, it doesn’t matter who’s…
How “clearly” you do it is your business…
“On a clear day you can see forever…”
LuCy sMiLeS
Investments 101
You know that you are taking care, when you decide to allocate to a portion of our monthly earnings to invest in our future.
This is very important to us, right? But what about other investments?
Personal investments?
Like inner health; emotional vacations; “rainy days funds”?”
We can expect to have a good kick back
with our monetary investments,
when we invest in our savings putting
our money in all the right places…
but it is just as important to contribute
to our soul’s savings fund.
If we are not willing to invest in ourselves,
and our own personal business, we can not
expect others to invest in us.
I mean what would it look like?
We are our own representatives, no one else
works for us. We are our Sales Force,
our Human Resource Manager,
our own President,
and our Marketing Coordinators.
So if you are looking to sell stocks and be a lucrative business on the market, be sure to invest in yourself first.
Show them what your worth!
LuCy sMiLeS
Anchors Away!
We try to live grounded lives, and reach up for the stars to grasp at all we could ever imagine for ourselves.
Many times our dreams, our ambitions and our goals seem beyond reach.
We do such a great job believing this don’t we?
If we were graded on how well we denied ourselves everything in our lives that will make us happy, I can assure you we would all pass with flying colors!
What is holding you back? Picture yourself standing still; anchors tied to you, as you attempt to walk towards the dreams, hopes and aspirations you have in your mind.
What is tying these anchors to your inner thoughts? We must look down and recognize that of which is holding us back before we know to untie the knots, and throw away the anchors.
Once you do, the sky is the limit and you can reach for the stars, floating in mid air without being weighed down by fear, intimidation, and worry.
They are no longer beyond our reach!
There is “being grounded”, and then there is “digging yourself a hole in the ground.”
Graduate from the latter, and apply yourself for the best years of your live!
LuCy sMiLeS
If the Shoe Fits!
Relationships are like shoe shopping.
Sometimes we will be so taken back by the style, the colour, and the brand, even, that we will work our darndest to squeeze our foot in the last pair that is a 1/2 size too small, going as far as to buy them still in hopes that with little stretch and wear here and there, it will eventually fit.
As same in relationships, that even if the fit is not there, we will compomise our comfort, where comfort should not be compromised.
Just as we will continue to look in the mirror, turning over and over, to see if the 1/2 size small even now complements our outfit, wasting precious hours staring, contemplating, forcing to believe it will be fine with a little fine tuning, we do the same this in our own lives with others.
If the shoe fits, wear it. IF it is too small, be nice to yourself, and place it back for someone else to enjoy.
Chances are someone is doing the same for you.
LuCy sMiLeS
No matter what relationship, whether with ourselves, or others,
the end result is only as strong as the foundation in which it started.
To build a strong foundation, there are many tools needed,
and many materials as well
that are crucial for ensuring the strongest building possible.
One that can withstand the strongest of winds,
the harshest of elements, and still come out intact.
We know that there will be days, when the sun will not
always shine its brightest; putting a damper on emotional
confidences we may otherwise have.
But like we prepare for the winter storms, the tornados,
and the surprising hits of hail, lightning and rain,
we can take a stand with building inner and outer “bonds.”
Many circumstances will hit home, so be sure your home is secure,
and you have your cornerstones in place, before you start building.
And never rush construction, each step of the process is just as important as the last…
Start off on the right foot.
LuCy sMiLeS
We’ve all heard that the path to greatness; the road to success; is not a straight one.
We can set our sights on the what we wish to attain, visualizing the end results, and moving towards it with passion, precision but most importantly-
This is key… Advancing knowing full well that there will be obstacles, sudden changes in direction, and surprises that may take us off course.
Let this be so. Embrace this not with fear, or resentment, but with excitement and confidence that this is the way it is to be, for you, specifically.
If you plan to move forward, only expecting what you first set out to journey through, you are mistaken.
If you are racing to get to where you see yourself, you are not living.
You must accept intersections laid in front of you, as every experience draws in yet another road, another intersection, another yield sign, with every encounter, unknown to you until you hit them.
It is imperative for you to change direction once in a while in order for your path to be that much more fulfilling, and for your destination to be that much more rewarding.
LuCy sMiLeS
Fight for your Honour
Fight For your Honor
What is disappointment other than not standing tall for yourself; deciding to blame others when
things don't go right, or right...right away?
We want to be honored; loved; have the hero beside us that we have only dreamt existed.
But where are you standing on this journey to find the
knight in shining
armor to save you,
or the damsel in distress you wish to save?
Standing tall? Or standing still?
Whether male or female, we all play an active role when looking for the one
that we hope to live with for the rest of our lives.
We cannot sit back and assume that all will be taken care of, or that we can take care of all.
Life is a two way street- you can not look into the future for someone, or with someone without looking into their eyes , accepting them for them; their life, and their story; and most importantly looking at yourself in the mirror, as your story comes first.
If you honor NOT yourself, you honor no one.
And should you chose not to fight for your own honor, do not assume others will honor you.
Be the honorable one- you are worth it.
LuCy sMiLeS
Listen Up!
Offering advice to friends is a loving gesture, as we can all use a little advice; heck, sometimes we should also take our own advice!
Much of the advice we have readily available for our friends is made up from our own experiences, our own “getting through” of the trying times.
But, there is also nothing more comforting than when our friends lend an ear, during these trying times.
Friends are our sounding board, making life more “sound” when our inner voices may be screaming at us from all directions!
We can certainly get through many of what we get through, on our own, but ultimately the support of friends is what helps us stand tall, when we may otherwise slouch.
Be aware of what your friends truly need… Is it advice? Or simply an ear?
We cannot understand, comprehend or recognize the moods, the emotions, or the underlying reasons for our friends’ need in us, unless we sit in the active role of “listening.”
LuCy sMiLeS
“Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.”~ unknown
"Time Out"
The holiday season is just around the corner!
Spreading good cheer over the holidays is always a great way to feel positive. This allows us to focus on all the good that we have to offer others! But what about spreading ourselves too thin?
What about taking time out to focus on ourselves, to be sure that we are giving our best to others, by first giving the best to ourselves?
There is a difference between giving out vs giving too much out, resulting in giving up time for our inner spirit... to keep our spirits up!
If you are like most, you don't only have one or two things on your plate.
The holidays add more to our plates, making it difficult to spend well deserved time we need to energize our batteries, leading to burn out.
We need all the energy we can get to burn off all those extra calories also added to our plates this season!
Life is like a balancing act, and not all of us are great "life" acrobats, nor can we walk the fine line without falling off here and there.
So do yourself a favour, take a "time out" for yourself whenever you can, so you can be the best you can when giving to others this holiday season.
LuCy sMiLeS
"You are Here"
Shopping Mall Directories; Condo elevator Diagrams; Hotel Room door Emergency Exits....
What do all these things have in common?
All locations give you a direct mapping to where you are, in relation to all that is around you, to guide you to a safely and efficiently to where you need to go.
You have to acknowledge first where you are, on the map, before you can move onto the next location.
So why, in life, are we so ignorant to where we stand? We pay no attention to how it relates to where we will go from this current position.
Instead our minds play "got to get there…" But, from no "here.”
And we wonder why we are not there yet....
Follow me....
We all want to “be” something more, to “have” something more...
But in order to attain all that we want in life, and where we want to be, where we want to go, and what we want to do, we must do something very imperative first.
We must recognize where we are; right here; right now.
We must recognize; embrace, and breathe in this place.
“Be” present.
Many times we may feel like we are trying to get somewhere, but we are finding ourselves running and running in circles.
Reason being, if you don't know where you are right now, how can you know how to get to where you need to be?
Instead of attempting to acquire all that you don't have as of yet, “be” with what you do have; live with this, and know that by doing so, you will be that much more successful in your journey to where you are going to "be" in the future...
We cannot get to point B, without a point A.
So don’t get too ahead of yourself…
If you ever get lost again, check your mind map for:
"You are Here!"
LuCy sMiLeS
Diss'in Dishonesty
If the law of the universe states that everything we put out into the world, we get back ten fold, there is no exception when it comes to honesty; moreover "dishonesty."
When we were kids, we were taugh to tell the truth.
Of course we were.
But every once in a while, we would hear our parents talk about little "white lies" they may have told us, and would admit to us as we conversed when we grew older.
A little fib here and there never hurt anyone.
This could then be imbedded in our heads, as adults, to justify our own actions with these little "white lie" tellings...
Think of the last little white lie you may told, had you ever been so bold as to tell one.
I am sure you haven't.
And if you had, say, who it didn't really hurt, anyway?
No one, if this is the case, right... I am sure it is, I mean, our parent's wouldn't lie.
But honestly speaking; truly, we are only hurting ourselves.
Just as we teach others how to treat us, we are teaching the universe how to treat us by what we put out there.
In a world lived in fear, judgement, apprehension; even doubt, there is one thing we can do for ourselves, that no one else is responsible for.
We can be honest with how we live our lives, honest with the people with whom we share our lives, and live life as honest as possible.
There is nothing worse than feeling as though someone we truly care about is being dishonest with us.
But, if you ever look back at how you feel when you are the one being dishonest to others, there is actually no worse feeling.
So, just when we have this preoccupation that people can easily hurt us with their deceit, causing us to live our lives with anxiety, and distrust for those around us,
as more law than luck would have it, you have more control over the honest intentions of others that you attract in your life, by having honest inentions yourself!
We can't guarantee that our lives are going to be free from bites and bruises, but isn't it nice to know that for every white lie you turn into the truth, positivity will come back at you 10 fold?
Hey, It's better than a kick in the a**....
Override your Gremlins
Just as easy as it is to think negative thoughts, we can override them with positive.
It is up to us to realize whether these thoughts in our heads are of reason, or are irrational.
We know the difference. We can simply use our intuition; go with our "gut" feeling.
There are so many programmed thoughts in our heads from past relationships, experiences, and "issues' we have not only dealt with, but have NOT dealt with properly... bringing forward in our lives, to present and to the future.
It is always important, "imperative" to take all that we have learned, to help us with our forward focuses, and satisfy our hunger for a better life, of growth and happiness within ourself, and for our lives with others... the quality of life we truly deserve.
We can spend just as much energy on tredding water as swimming forward in our lives, and just as much energy on thoughts that will sabotage our dreams, as with thoughts to progress to the fulfillment of living the life of our dreams.
Where is your head at?
What is in your headspace?
Do you have thoughts that are active in the vitality of your mental and emotional health, and are supporting you in your every need for success?
Or are you playing back and forth thoughts in your mind that are making you question people's intentions, support, and compassion in your life?
If your thoughts, are your "gremlins", from the past, and are irrational thoughts that are not helping you become all that you deserve to be, it's time to override these thoughts...
What does your gut tell you?
LuCy sMiLeS
Excuse me, you are in my way...
Experiences truly happen to us when they need to.
It is funny how wonderful life is in that way.
Even when we think a situation is crazy, hard,
unbearable, and unfair, it is meant to be right there, ready for us to react.It is how we react that is key.
When you find yourself talking down to yourself,
or justifying negative behaviour, STOP!
Demand yourself to get out of your way.
We have no guarantees in life, but we do have ourselves.And we have to be with ourselves all day, everyday.
So treat yourself with respect and love, and you
will see that you are able to get through just about anything!And if you don't believe me? Please prove me wrong.
But, have you not survived every single crisis to now?
We are always given options.
There is never only one choice in life.
So, do yourself a favour… accept all that you are, and make the best choices, and smile the brightest smiles.
Smiles will never go unnoticed.
We can replace many things in our life.
But we, ourselves, are irreplaceable.
Treat yourself as such…
LuCy sMiLeS
Ready, Set, Go!
“Ready, Set, Go”
Change is inevitable. Of all things we may be uncertain about in life, at least we can be certain of this. It is our one constant, in a world of unknown…
No matter how much we try to resist change, it will always be in front of us.
How do you react to change? Do you resist it or do you embrace it?
There are many things in our lives that we can control, but how we succumb to change is not one of them. We can control how we acknowledge change.
Just as we would prepare for when the seasons change, we can be just as ready for when change takes place, in other areas of our lives. By being open to it.
Get “ready” for change to come, “set” your gears to take it on, with fearlessness,
and “go” with the flow.
It is not “what” is changing, as much as how you deal with change that counts!
“When you change the way you look and feel about things, the things you look at change”
LuCy sMiLeS
Etch a Sketch
Remember Christmas toys, that were powered by… imagination?
Yes, I said it, “IMAGINATION”
We were given tools to allow us to use our minds to come up with glorious and exciting pictures, ideas,
and visions from whatever our imaginations had in store for us at that moment.
Better yet, if we decided we were not too excited about what we had created, we can shake it up;
and voila, just like that, the picture disappeared!
Erased, and the slate was ready for yet another new and exciting vision…
Yes, the all magical “Etch a Sketch.”
We can look at the “Etch a Sketch” and how it represents our minds.
The left and right knob representing the left and right side of our brain,
and its ability to focus, and then create the pictures in our mind,
that in turn are the pictures of our life.
What does your picture look like?
Do you like it?
Is this “Etch a Sketch” creation you drew a projection of what you see for yourself as fulfilling,
successful and satisfactory to you, for going forward?
If not, you have every opportunity to sit back, reflect on this picture, with as much time as you need,
envision where you feel you need to revamp, recreate and refocus, where things may
not be as wonderfully drawn out as you know they can be!
With all of the money that will be thrown around for the newest and best electronic toys and gadgets,
this holiday season, do yourself a favour…
Invest in one priceless item for yourself… your life.
They just don’t make them like they used to…
LuCy sMiLeS
Gift with Purchase
How many times have you bought something, specifically because you see “free gift”, when you buy….”
Free gift? Aren’t all gifts free?
I used to always even buy for the sole purpose of “ buy 3 get the 4th free!!!”
Funny... how many of that one item do we really need?
I can see if it were bars of soap, or other household supplies, since chances are we have the intention of continuously cleaning our homes.
But when is it too much?
Same thing goes for other aspects in our lives. Sometimes more than one is “too much!”
Heck, sometimes 1 of something is too much!
When we bombard our thoughts and our personal space with too much “stuff” it takes away from our spirituality.
We are not able to live a calm and serene life, when we are overcompensating with material things.
Decluttering your life, means de-cluttering your thoughts and mind as well.
And it starts with the material things…
“In order to be great, you must be willing to give up everything”
Are you willing to give up everything?
Or, does what you have surrounding you mean “everything” to you?
I hope not!!!
I realized, and happily so, that all these years of shopping didn’t actually lead to a life of abundance.
Quite the opposite, actually...
My ABUNDANT life would begin, once I gave up all of the material things that surrounds to me, that I do not need!
How crazy is that? I would have never guessed.
We spend so much time looking and commenting “She has…!”
“Did you see his new….?”
“When I make more money, I am soooo buying a bigger…”
I wish I’d have known better, earlier. I could have used the extra thousands of dollars I spent making sure I had the "new this that and the other" to pay off those nasty school loans, that still sit there waiting for me to give in, and fork over my hard earned cash to pay off in full.
So, instead, I sit here, and pay monthly interest, not only on those loans, but also on the scarves, the numerous jeans, boots, jackets, and jewelry, frames, coasters, and vases I thought I couldn’t live without months ago…
It is certain in our minds, when we buy something, we truly want it, why else would we buy it in the first place, right?
But it is just stuff. Stuff that fills our closets, our rooms, and our homes…
Don’t get me wrong, we need certain things to survive, and it is nice to surround ourselves with beauty, and quality that represents our styles, our passions, and our sense of self, but how much is too much?
Many times we hear ourselves and others complain about wanting to live a life of serenity, our minds are so cluttered, our days are so stressed.
But, have you really looked around your atmosphere? What you have in your life? Have you reflected on whether or not you need everything surrounds you? Maybe you would be better off without, maybe the “less is more” concept really does have meaning!!!
If you had to give it all up, in an instant, if it meant you could be the most powerful you can be, would you be able to?
I know I would.
I have always been the type of person who loved stuff. Be it clothing, shoes, scarves, furniture and room accessories, books, you name it, I was always buying, and I always had 4 of one item when it was buy 3 get the 4th free.
One in every colour, even!
But when I look back on why I bought these items, and how my life was at the "time of purchase", I can say many a times, it had nothing to do with how much I liked the items, and how I was lacking without them in my home, or on my feet, or in my closet, but moreover I was feeling a lacking inside of me. I didn't need more stuff to feel I was more important, I really just needed more love. Love of myself. That is something one cannot find in a store, and not have more of if you can buy 3 and get the forth free.
Enjoy the fine things in life, because you are worth it. Surround yourself with beauty that reminds you of "you!"
Quality vs. quantity.
Love is the "gift with purchase" when you are willing to buy into the fact that true happiness doesn't have a price tag.
LuCy sMiLeS
"CoLLeCtiVe sOuL"
Remember in high school, when certain girls would spend so much time talking about certain girls?
And judging certain girls for certain things?
I don't remember guys doing this they were too busy not worrying about anything but certain sports, and well, certain girls.
In highschool there was so much pressure to be part of the "in", crowd, that we never really sat back to realize that there is absolutely no such thing as an "in" crowd.
If we are lucky (by this I mean "aware") when we get older, we start to learn more about "ourselves", rather than how to become everyone else. We start to create groups of friends who are similar to us. Genuine friendships, without judgement.
Now that we start to "accept" ourselves for all that we are, we are capable of creating and maintaining relationships with those around us, who are likeminded. We can now grow powerful friendships in abundance, instead of sitting back, and wondering why people can't just be like us... When really this always just meant we hadn't the faintest idea who we were...
We must be compassionate and loving in our friendships, and loving to those around us, and what they have to offer, we are here on earth to learn about others, and in turn learn more about ourselves. If we feel the need to judge someone, and create any conflict within our relationships with others, perhaps we need to look inside at ourselves and recognize the conflict within ourselves.
As soon as we see that we are discriminating, it is time to acknowledge our own inner intolerance, and re-focus on who we believe is deserving of judgement.
We, in our own minds, do not feel deserving of loving compassionate friendships, therefore we actually sabotage the creation of them, and the creation of friendships around us.
This is not fair to us, and not fair to others.
We can all look back at the bully or bullies in highschool. Back then, they may have been scary, confident and in charge of the school yard, when all the while they were the loneliest kid on the block.
When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
~Wayne Dyer
I sat around a table of gorgeous women last night, many of which I have had the pleasure of introducing to each other.
And all of these women have grown strong and beautiful friendships with each other, not just with me.
I realized how blessed I was to have a wonderful circle of Goddess women.
Now that I am so close to knowing who I am, and what I value in life, I have attracted amazing and powerful women to share my life with me, and to share their lives with each other.
We are a "Collective Soul"
There were a few who couldn't make it, but your soul was there in spirit...
It is enough in life to try to keep up with the pressures of work, financial stability, time management and breathing in a moment for ourselves amidst the chaos of day to day stresses. It is a breathe of fresh air to be surrounded by people who are understanding, empathetic, and share many of the same values and morals as we do.
And even better to know that our circle of close ties can enjoy eachother, all together and branched off, creating many dynamics of friendships within our one circle.
We cannot do everything for everyone, or be everything to everyone... that's what friends are for!!!!
LuCy sMiLeS
Write On... Write Off?
Think of how many thoughts we have in a day. Think of how many times we write things down on either a “post it” note, the corner of a workbook page, the back of a receipt, or even on our hands, to remind us of things we don’t want to forget. Things we wish to follow up on, either with ourselves, or others.
Now, for all of those times, answer me this.
How many times have you gone back to these important “reminder” notes, but only days, weeks a months later? A bit too late, for its purpose… The receipt that falls out of the book you were reading, 3 months ago, that had the reminder for you to start a diet regime, Monday, because you saw a clip on Oprah Friday afternoon, with a world famous Author on a new health book, to help you feel your best in two weeks flat!
Only that two weeks ago, was to be 3 months ago, and so 3 months have passed, and you certainly don’t feel any better than you did writing down the reminder on that receipt?
I know, I have been there.
For me, I actually found the Health Book I urgently ordered on Amazon, because of this world Famous Author.
And it was not 3 months ago, it was 9 months ago. I know because, I glanced at my bookshelf this weekend, and picked out a book, and the receipt for my payment fell out of the front cover, that had the date on it. A book I ordered… A book I never read.
I was so adamant, and it was so important to me, at the time, to get it. But I never even opened the book. Except of course to place the folded bill of sale in it, for safe keeping.
We need to take more ownership for things that are important to us. This is a reflection of how important we are to ourselves.
If we are going to write something down, because it is important enough to us, that we want to follow through, then well, let’s follow through.
I have found the best thing for me is to carry around a small book that will be convenient no matter what I am wearing, where I am going, I will always have the opportunity to take it with me, and hold it near and dear to me, just as the thoughts, the follow through notes I write to myself.
And it doesn’t do any good to write, without reviewing. So make a plan to have review and reflect so you don’t only follow through 9 months after you wrote it down.
Recommended reading:
“YOU- the Owners Manual”
By Dr. Oz
“as seen on Oprah”
I haven’t read it yet, but it must be good, if I so urgently ordered it on Amazon- 9 months ago.
Informal. a person or thing that is given up as hopeless or pointless
a reduction in book value; depreciation.
A reduction or depreciation of the entered value of an item.
LuCy sMiLeS
Whip Lash
It is important, in life to stay flexible with the existing conditions in our lives, and to know above all else, that everything in life changes.
Nothing is constant, just as the leaves change colours and the seasons change, everything in our lives will be in continuous change.
We may be so comfortable with a life where we know everything, where we are the master of our domain, but this in fact means you are not growing.
Once you know everything about you, everything that surrounds you, and everything you are doing, it is time to find something that you do not know about, to continue a life of growth...
If we are too adamant about trying to live a life where every is stagnant, we are lacking development, and advancement, and when things do change, which they will, I promise, they will seem to be so abrupt, so unexpected, and hard to grip, we will suffer from whip-lash!Make sure you stretch your mind, stretch your imagination, and more importantly stretch before you start everyday, so you can be prepared for change. Make changes where you see fit, and stay physically fit, so you don't suffer from whip-lash when inevitable change strikes you!
~LuCy sMiLeS
Just when you think you know everything you need to know, be prepared to not know anything.
And be excited for the unknown, for this is where you know you are growing...
In life, we have to be prepared for the unexpected.
Not to say that when everything seems wonderful, that we need be worried that something will come along to make it less wonderful.
Not knowing could mean that something sooo amazing has come into our day to day lives, that will change the course of our lives, and we now have to make changes in order to progress, and this is lovely...
Life is only as wonderful as we make it.
We can only be offered beautiful new things into our lives, when we are ready to accept and receive them.
In order to have a fulfilling live, and live a life of complete contentment, it is important that we recognize change, acknowledge change, and embrace it, move with it, and be versatile.
No one likes to be struck from behind, no one likes to have to change the direction of their life, when everything is working so well in the direction they are presently in.
But is what you are doing right now, as much as you enjoy not having to re-evaluate, really allowing you to move forward?
Or are you simply happy with not having anything shake up where you are.
Would change and abrupt change cause you whip -ash?
Or would you simply roll with it, twirl into new, unharmed and charged with energy for what is next to come?
We like what we like, and we like having it all the time.
But as much as we like what we have, can we benefit from having something more? Something new? Something different?
Do we realize that there is more out there, for us? Or are we simply looking forward, but not looking beyond the walls that surround us.
It is important, in life to stay flexible with the existing conditions in our lives, and to know above all else, that everything in life changes.
Nothing is constant, just as the leaves change colours and the seasons change, everything in our lives will be in continuous change.
If we are too adamant about trying to live a life where every is stagnant, we are lacking development, and advancement, and when things do change, which they will, I promise, they will seem to be so abrupt, so unexpected, and hard to grip, we will suffer from whip-lash!
And to have a mindset where anything new can be looked at as negative, or too much to take, we are limiting our successes, and not living to our highest potential.
We may be so comfortable with a life where we know everything, where we are the master of our domain, but this in fact means you are not growing.
Once you know everything about you, everything that surrounds you, and everything you are doing, it is time to find something that you do not know about, and continue a life of growth...
Make sure you stretch your mind, stretch your imagination, and more importantly stretch before you start everyday, so you can be prepared for change. Make changes where you see fit, and stay physically fit, so you don't suffer from whip-lash when inevitable change strikes you!
LuCy sMiLeS
What's In the Cards?
Communication is essential in building and maintaining lasting professional and personal relationships.
In this information age, where we depend on technology for most of our business interactions, be it cell phones, email, fax, you name it, it is wonderful to be given a tool that allows for us to actually slow down, pay attention and really embrace our communication, and our relationships with people we care about.
Sending cards of love and appreciation to all those in our lives is therapeutic, and calming. The words of love and care just roll of the tongue, and we brighten our days and our loved ones days just by sharing positive energy out into the world.
Bringing smiles to all those who have been given the opportunity to receive these wonderful gifts of recognition for what they have brought into our lives!
Many of our communications get distorted when put it in an email, or leave voice mail. We may speak out of haste, we may not be transmitting the message that we wish, and things just don’t come out right. So how wonderful to convey a message we know will not be distorted!
What about the messages you are transmitting in your mind?
How are you communicating with yourself?
With love, compassion, and acceptance? Like these messages we send to others?
Are you focusing on the positive, and the power that you have, in the cards that you hold for your future?
Taking ownership? Realizing you are the one who chose this deck, you will be the one to hold them, fold them, and hopefully know when to walk away?
Or do you catch yourself repeating in your mind “What is going to happen? “What is in the cards for me, for my career, for my relationship?”
We must work hard for what we want to achieve, attain and maintain in our lives.
Nothing will ever progress if we continually sit and wonder what is in the cards for us.
If we do, it is going to be along, and trying road to success.
We can discover that there is an abundance of everything out there, that we have the power to improve our lives, our careers, our passions, if we can understand that it is not “for some reason”, it is because we chose our thoughts, be that what they may be.
No one can decide for you what you want in your life, and what you need to release and let go of in your life, in order to have all that you want! This for you to decide, you hold the cards, and every choice you make is yours, and only yours.
The more powerful you realize you are, the more powerful your life will become.
This is living a life of abundance!
What’s in your cards?
LuCy sMiLeS
What happens in life is not as important as why it happens.Once you realize the "why" things happen, it all starts to fall into place.
And, adding in a few “why not’s” .
It is time for a little “R&R…”Response, and Responsibility!
It is important to look deeply into why things are going on around you.And not acting like victim of circumstance, but instead take ownership for
what is going on around you, and to you.
We make so many promises to ourselves that we do not keep.
Let's all do ourselves a favor and enjoy breaking at least one.
Decide NOT to own the bad decisions, and bad habits we used to allow in our lives. Just keep the good ones.
Not to mention it feels great to say "why not" to a few things
that allow you to take a risk once in a while, when you are sure that in doing so,
you will be able to grow!
And always remember the power of letting go...
Enjoy a lil R & R…
~LuCy sMiLeS
What happens in life is not as important as why it happens.
Once you realize the "why" things happen, it all starts to fall into place.
It is time for a little “R&R..
Response, and Responsibility!
I have been realizing; or more importantly, I have been asking "why" more lately than I used to.
And, adding in a few “why not’s” .
It is important to look deeply into why things are going on around you.
And not acting like victim of circumstance, but instead taking ownership for what is going on around you, and to you.
How many times have you heard "why me?"
How many times have you said this yourself?
Ah yes!
The "poor me", "why me" phase!
I don’t wear it well.
None of us do!
You know that colour that just doesn't look right on you?
Washes you out a little bit? The colour you may feel sorta comfortable in, and still, no matter how many times you buy the shirt in that colour, you always call your best friend and do the "bought this sweater and it looks like s*%& on me, wanna swap for something that looks s% on you " kind of look?
Let's smarten up and buy "pretty in pink", already!
Have your mental wardrobe consists of only shades that work well for you!
There is always going to be a "pink hue" that works for you.
Fuchsia? Ok not so many of us wear that well, but there are a select few of you who can pull it off, so good on ya..
Rose, baby pink ,hot magenta, coral, cerise, you name it, someone can wear it, and wear it well!
And this goes for both sexes! All the successful guys are wearing the pinks that work for them! From Donald Trump to Donny Deutsch!
And it just goes to show you, we ARE all different. If we can't all wear fuchsia, like someone else can and so well, ( I am rather thankful I don't wear fuchsia well), what makes us think we should do, be, live, or think the same as everyone else? Don’t base your decisions on what works best for others, and certainly don’t make decisions that clearly won’t work for you.
Do what works!
I love doing what works.
Let's face it, we are always going to consciously make decisions that we beat ourselves up for and stare at the bruises for, before we even carry through on the decision!!!.
You know what I am talking about.
The "I cannot believe I am going to do this" sort of decision.
Not even the "what WAS I thinking"
But the more "What am I thinking"
Instead ask yourself. “Why am I doing this?” We have every opportunity to change what we are doing, change the decision. No one knows this decision has been made, we can not only own it, decide not to own it in the first place.
How lovely is that?
So why are we so willing to allow the for humiliation of the;
"You did WHAT???????????????????????????"
We make so many promises to ourselves that we do not keep.
Let's all do ourselves a favour and at least break one.
Decide NOT to own the bad decisions.
Just keep the good ones.
They look good on you.
Instead of wondering what is going on, wonder "why" it is going on.
I can promise you that things will make much more sense to you once you do this.
Not to mention it feels great to say "why not" to a few things that allow you to take a risk once in a while, when you are sure that in doing so, you will be able to grow!
And always remember the power of letting go.
Enjoy a lil R & R…
LuCy sMiLeS
CoSm "O" ToLoGy
the practice of beautifying the face and hair and skin;
the art or profession of applying cosmetics.
I have decided enough of the made up look, what about what is going on INSIDE?????
So, I have come up with my own "ology", and why the heck not. If they can come out with every other "ology", why can't I?
the art of beautifying the heart and soul!?!?
I made it up! Instead of being made up!
How do you like that?
There ya have it!
And, for a limited time, FREE!!!!
(actually always free, but that tagline just sounds more appealing, it creates urgency!!!)
You heard it here first!
I am not even charging tuition here! No expensive books, or used books that you search for high and low, to save on costs. Nothing used here! All brand "you" new and only yours to keep for the low low price, of...
And it is the "course of your life", so don't miss out!
And with the Canadian dollar doing better than US, this free offer gives my American friends a break, as well.
Cosmos reflect "the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system."
So this practice I am creating- oh, and of course using as well (never try to sell something that you wouldn't use yourself, that is simply scandalous) is the practice of beautifying our bodies from the inside out!!!
I have a few prerequisites required, otherwise there is no pre-exam. You are pretty much guaranteed a seat in my "virtual" classroom...
(Notice that this is a virtual class, therefore the study should not interrupt your already existing lifestyle, it's all good)
But please review to be sure you are qualified!
Requirements and attributes include but are not limited to:
Loving life
Knowing you deserve the very best
Experiencing compassion for those around you
Knowing when to smile- (bonus answer-always!!!!)
Having a kick in your step once in a while
Believing in the beauty of the unknown
Valid Birth Certificate
Good judgement
Due to the high volume of applicants, I am unable to confirm the receipt of your registration, therefore enrollment is unlimited.
Use your good judgment before you decide whether or not you are capable to handle the heavy workload. But please note “no heavy lifting involved.”
Oh, and you are the creator of the course, as well.
Wish on the stars and the moons; shoot for the stars, and once in a while take a shot in the dark...
You may be surprised at the shimmering shadows in your eyes, that portray a light at the end of the tunnel.
It's always a good colour on you!
LuCy sMiLeS
Puppy Love
Ever so sweet, his nose would touch mine
As we’d lay down, all tuckered, sweet dreams we would find.
Long walks they all were; over bridges, through streets.
In the dead cold of winter; in the hazed summer heats.
Not only were early mornings spent strolling away,
But the nights found us at whatever park he’d decided that day.
“Hello” we would holler, to all friends on our path…
Many adventures found him muddy and needing a bath!
The look in his eyes- tolerant, as he’d stop and turn round,
When “Wait for Mommy, cute puppy!”, was the familiar sound.
Of all that is magic, and all that is pure,
It’s the heart of a puppy, and all they’d endure.
For when they love you, they love you with all they can give.
They will do anything, anything for you, as long as they live.
What I know in my heart, are many things I may have not.
If without the days with my puppy, and all that he’s taught.
I rest assured that the energy of this bond cannot be broken.
In my heart, rests our love, and its very sacred token.
LuCy sMiLeS
(Julius, mom loves you:)
WhO'd a ThUnK iT?
In reflection, I get it. I truly just get it!
Who'd a thunk it would all make sense.
So many times I just sat back and said "What the ...."
When things happened when they did, why they did, how they did, and with whom they did.
I NOW just get it!
Heck, even looking back on something as materialistic as my shoes! Even though I knew that it was right for me to lose all of my shoes in my move in May, and I understood then, that it was MEANT to happen, now, I get it even more.
They never survived the move forward, they were not supposed to. They could not walk me forward, from what they represented, the person who walked in those shoes, and the experiences those shoes had need no longer walk with me.
Do you get it?
I had many things that tried to survive moving forward. Some energies still took a few last breaths just recently.
But, they too... did not survive.
That is ok...
We must cleanse our lives of what does not help us grow, in order to make room for the magical flowers and leaves that WILL help us.
"Life's wisdom arrives gracefully, and the wonder of this miracle is that we all receive its gift."
This quote has allowed me to reflect on the year that has passed. And, as with everything that comes in to your life, many things must leave...
Every person, every experience, every "torture" happens because it is to happen. Whether you want to believe it or not. It is ok even if you don't believe it...
Because you will believe eventually. And... "at just the right time."
I know that I have had as many ups as I have had downs. I have had ups so high that when I went down, it would take a while to grasp how it was possible...
"How can I have been up so high, to have come, then, so far down?"
Did I not learn? Isn't that why I went up so high? Didn't I just get it?
How did I just lose it, if I got it?
Who took it away?
But, this is what brings me to a conclusion...
There will be tests, and there will be truths that come to us, and they will come to us, and they will come to us.
But until we are willing to look at ourselves in the eyes and see what is going on, admit what is going on, admit our worth, and admit our love for ourselves, we will continue to look to others, who are in fact a reflection of all that we think of ourselves.
So if you feel unworthy, unlovable,you will only attract that of which you believe in yourself.
So do yourself a favour... believe in yourself right now. I mean you are going to eventually!
Why not cut through the red tape, now? Here, I will pass you some scissors. Cut it, throw it away, and run to the mirror. Look at the most amazingly beautiful creature that stands before you, and tell this person how much they mean to you.
I was forced into this one... LOL!( You know who you are and I love you for it.)
I betcha once you do, you will then attract only the same amazingly beautiful people in your life that you see in yourself.
Trust me... Like attracts like.
And there is nothing wrong with that!
So whoever you want to come into your life, you best believe they will be a representation of what you think of yourself.
In destiny's grand design, there are no random meetings. All is meant to be.
If you look back on all that you have met, and when, and why, take a look at how you felt about yourself and you will see an amazing resemblance.
The most magical part about this, is we create our own destinies.
You can fall in love with the person of your dreams, fall madly head over heels.
But you must first fall in love with yourself.
And if there are certain things you know you must rid of to find this love, take ownership of this, and throw these things away.
Or do what I did! Lose all your heels, to fall head over heels!
It is worth it!!! Expensive, but worth it none the less!
At the end of the day it will all makes sense.
But do know that it doesn't all have to right now.
"The graceful dance of falling leave brings reflections of times past and bright hopes for all that is yet to be"
I hope you take time out to dance and dance gacefully.
And if you don't know how to dance, or how to love yourself and all that you are, and why... pretend you do! If you pretend long enough, you won't know any better and it will become you!
Believe me, I pretend as much as the next guy, and proudly so...
I am that closer to becoming me in doing so!
Who'd a thunk it?
LuCy sMiLeS
All in a Day's Work! If you say so!!!
If we spent all the time we used worrying and wondering how to get things done, actually working to get things done, we could very well be there already, at the finish line.
We spend so much time planning and writing out our “to do’s”, organizing what time slots to do what, and reorganizing, that we could have been done half of them, if we weren’t spending so much time thinking about them, and organizing when to do them, and finally procrastinating the inevitable!
Also, we expect so much of ourselves, and we race to get to the finish line, but are we really running the quickest track? Or are we backtracking, taking detours and as a result not utilizing or time properly and to our best advantage?
We need to sit down and know what is important, what is really needed to get done, and what can wait.
Not everything has to be done on Monday. If it were, I am in bigger trouble than I thought.
And our minds are what sets our limits, decide our fears and is responsible for our “day’s work”, whether we are talking about office work, professional development, personal growth, healthy lifestyle planning, or spiritual quests. All of these fall under our “Day’s Work” with ourselves.
No matter what, everything we have worried about in the past, either that we had to get done, or things that we faced having to experience, we have survived up to this point.
All the situations that felt overwhelming, all of the worries that seems “life or death”, were all endured, and we are all still here, only stronger for having lived them out.
You know those times when you think, “this is the worst”, “ I will not live this through”, “I cannot believe this is happening- pass me a dark hole so I can crawl in it before someone sees me”.
Remember those times?
I remember “saying and feeling” those things, but let’s be honest, do we really remember what there were in regards to?
Precisely! We have no clue!
So, just remember that, next time you “cannot believe this is happening to me, it is the worst thing ever ever ever”, or “there is no way in a million years I am going to get this done on time” “It is impossible that I will get out of this alive”…
It’s not the worst thing, it’s just another situation to test your patience, your strength and your integrity, and sometimes just a test of your time management.
Planning and strategizing to make life’s tasks flow smoothly is always a great idea, but don’t spend your life planning, take some time to live, too!
We learn from past experiences, that not everything has to happen “All in a day’s work!” And trying to get everything done in a day is a cause for stress and a recipe for disaster!
I learned my own lesson, back in college… My best friend and I actually waited until the last day to create a 100 page back to back Business Plan, opening our own virtual Hotel/ Restaurant/ Spa in Niagara Falls for Business Development class. Speaking of “all in a day’s work”, we started at 3pm the day before it was due, stayed up all night with endless cups of coffee, and a few caffeine pills to pop when the coffee was not done brewing, and had it on the Professor’s desk 3 minutes before the 12:30pm deadline the next day.
Believe me, quality work need not be done in a day, unless you are happy with giving it your 51%.
I never made that mistake twice.
Take my advice. Take your time.
Life is not a race to the finish line…
LuCy sMiLeS
We spend so much time planning and writing out our “to do’s”, organizing what time slots to do what, and reorganizing, that we could have been done half of them, if we weren’t spending so much time thinking about them, and organizing when to do them, and finally procrastinating the inevitable!
Also, we expect so much of ourselves, and we race to get to the finish line, but are we really running the quickest track? Or are we backtracking, taking detours and as a result not utilizing or time properly and to our best advantage?
We need to sit down and know what is important, what is really needed to get done, and what can wait.
Not everything has to be done on Monday. If it were, I am in bigger trouble than I thought.
And our minds are what sets our limits, decide our fears and is responsible for our “day’s work”, whether we are talking about office work, professional development, personal growth, healthy lifestyle planning, or spiritual quests. All of these fall under our “Day’s Work” with ourselves.
No matter what, everything we have worried about in the past, either that we had to get done, or things that we faced having to experience, we have survived up to this point.
All the situations that felt overwhelming, all of the worries that seems “life or death”, were all endured, and we are all still here, only stronger for having lived them out.
You know those times when you think, “this is the worst”, “ I will not live this through”, “I cannot believe this is happening- pass me a dark hole so I can crawl in it before someone sees me”.
Remember those times?
I remember “saying and feeling” those things, but let’s be honest, do we really remember what there were in regards to?
Precisely! We have no clue!
So, just remember that, next time you “cannot believe this is happening to me, it is the worst thing ever ever ever”, or “there is no way in a million years I am going to get this done on time” “It is impossible that I will get out of this alive”…
It’s not the worst thing, it’s just another situation to test your patience, your strength and your integrity, and sometimes just a test of your time management.
Planning and strategizing to make life’s tasks flow smoothly is always a great idea, but don’t spend your life planning, take some time to live, too!
We learn from past experiences, that not everything has to happen “All in a day’s work!” And trying to get everything done in a day is a cause for stress and a recipe for disaster!
I learned my own lesson, back in college… My best friend and I actually waited until the last day to create a 100 page back to back Business Plan, opening our own virtual Hotel/ Restaurant/ Spa in Niagara Falls for Business Development class. Speaking of “all in a day’s work”, we started at 3pm the day before it was due, stayed up all night with endless cups of coffee, and a few caffeine pills to pop when the coffee was not done brewing, and had it on the Professor’s desk 3 minutes before the 12:30pm deadline the next day.
Believe me, quality work need not be done in a day, unless you are happy with giving it your 51%.
I never made that mistake twice.
Take my advice. Take your time.
Life is not a race to the finish line…
LuCy sMiLeS
Bright Eyed & Bushy Tailed
I have a great idea! It came to me in a dream the other night.
It really made up for those dreams when you realize you are walking without pants, or you cannot chew the wad of gum in your mouth that keeps getting bigger no matter how many times you try to take it out. Do you ever have those annoying dreams?
What about the dream where you are trying to dial someone’s number, and you cannot for the life of you get it right, and you need so badly to reach them?
I hate that dream!!!
Or the dream where you are running a marathon, but you cannot move your legs? And when you do, they both feel like 100 lbs, and you just keep wabbling to the side?
I actually just had this dream, and so in order to prevent humiliation, I opened my purse, and took out my lip gloss to reapply, so I made it seem like I was setting off to the side momentarily, on purpose.
Until I realized what type of materialistic pretentious fool of a lady 1) runs a marathon with a purse in hand, 2) reapplies gloss mid marathon?
I hated that dream even more…
K, so yes, back to the dream I loved!
I had this dream that I was completely and utterly pumped, ready to take on the world!
I realized in this dream, what was helping me along in this was simple, and so genuine.
It was my thoughts!
The “I think I can, I think I can, I know I can!” Kind of attitude!
I was pretty impressed with myself, and the realization that really, all I need to do is think I can do something, and I can do it!
We have talked about this before, but ultimately, my focus here is on “attitude!”
If you have the confident attitude that something can be fun, even exciting, and something can be learned from the experience you are about to take on, it really allows you to have a brighter appreciation for just about anything you do.
Things will appear boring and pointless if you want them too.
I have done things in life, where the first thought was that it was challenging and scary, and the second time I thought about it, I was so excited and confident, actually itching to do it, and do it well!
I was 22 years old, when I moved to Toronto.
I was working on a Fashion shoot for our Fall Line Marketing Material, at a Fashion Agency I worked at, and I had no idea what I was doing, and it was the scariest project!
I pondered, and feared how I was going to accomplish this nightmare of a portfolio.
I had no guidance other than, “Can you put together a Fashion shoot for our Fall Line Marketing Material please, thanks!”
The next day, I thought about it as “my own baby” I can do whatever I wanted! I could show my Boss what I was made of, and able to take it to whatever level I wanted!
So I complied all the of sample clothes, called up the Model Agency, whipped up the line list, booked a photographer, and make-up artist, and I was on my way.
I acted like I did when I was younger, and “played fashion show”, only this was the real deal, Fall Fashion Shoot, and I was now Marketing Coordinator!
I actually got offered a permanent career with the company, from showing I was “capable”.
If I kept my frightful mood from the first day, I know the end result would have been poor, just like my poor attitude.
You can even spend hours doing data entry, and make it fun, it is all in your thoughts!
No seriously!
(I made this example on purpose because I just took on a freelance contract doing data entry for a friend’s Recruiting business, and you best believe I am not letting this experience go without having some fun with it! If anything I can decide which names from the list I picture naming my future children after!
I mean what if I never had the chance to type hundreds of different names, I would have never been able to short list my own names list for children in my future! If anything, do it for the children!)
Move over Tortoise, Move over Hare; “Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed” wins the race I say!
Are you ready to win?
LuCy sMiLeS
Marshmallows 'n Mudpies
Remember when you were younger, what activities would take up your time?
Who did you spend your time with?
When my sister and I were younger, we were attached at the hip.
We still would be if we weren’t 4 provinces divided.
In the winter, I would scarf down my dinner, and bundle up real tight, head to toe in my tacky blue & brown one piece snow suit, being sure to tuck in the inside part into my boot, since the snow was feet higher than myself, and chances were my socks wouldn’t have a chance of staying dry and warm for too long without the extra protection.
Ah the one piece. Topped off with the jacket, extra long scarf I wore one swoop around the neck, and up around the forehead!
Add the wool itchy toque, courtesy of my Mom’s crafty knitting magic, and sometimes, depending on the temperature, ear muffs for that extra touch of class
What was with that?
And we were off!
(Always making sure I made one last washroom break, because that ensemble was not coming off easily, if I had to run back in mid play, for any emergencies.)
The snow would be glistening from the street lights.
I would wait at the end of my house path for my sister to come and pick me up.
She was the “bus driver” and would pick me up to take me for a trip around the neighbourhood in my dad’s extra large aluminum snow shovel, that I fit in, even with room for another passenger.
We would play for hours and hours, like time stood still.
When we were called back in the house, we would undress, shake the snow off ourselves, rest all our clothing on the space heaters, and thaw out with some nice hot chocolate, ½ water and chocolate, ½ marshmallows!
No cares in the world.
And in the summer, we would use the same tools we used in the winter for our snow castles, to make our mud pies!
These of course, included Mom’s trusty cake pans and spatulas!
We would call our best friends, at 6am, right before Great Space Coaster would be starting, with our bananas as the phone, that we would be eating for breakfast. We would open our bedroom window, and yell out to their bedroom window that was conveniently situated directly across the street!
We would spend countless hours by the train tracks picking and collecting “gold rocks!” You know those pink and green rocks, off by the tracks?
We would bring bags and bags of them home, and rest them under the porch, taking Mom’s nail polish to paint them.
Very creative!
None of these amazing memories for me included a bombardment of TV shows, video games, computer games, or any stimulation other than my own creative thoughts!
In a world so overwhelmed by technology, we fail to take time out for ourselves, to get to the core of our creativity.
We spend enough time trying to accomplish what everyone in the media is telling us we must accomplish in order to be “successful” in this world.
But what we must understand, is that our passions are not a world away, they are right in our own backyard!
So, what drives you? What are some passionate creative hobbies you have been putting on the back burner, because you are so stressed trying to do all the other things in the day?
Yes we have responsibilities, yes we have chores, but if we can find time to do what we love, amidst the chaos, this is what living a sustainable and passionate life is about.
We create our own destiny.
Riches lie inside you, not in your material possessions.
So take a pencil crayon, a paint brush, or some nail polish, and create away!
LuCy sMiLeS
Who did you spend your time with?
When my sister and I were younger, we were attached at the hip.
We still would be if we weren’t 4 provinces divided.
In the winter, I would scarf down my dinner, and bundle up real tight, head to toe in my tacky blue & brown one piece snow suit, being sure to tuck in the inside part into my boot, since the snow was feet higher than myself, and chances were my socks wouldn’t have a chance of staying dry and warm for too long without the extra protection.
Ah the one piece. Topped off with the jacket, extra long scarf I wore one swoop around the neck, and up around the forehead!
Add the wool itchy toque, courtesy of my Mom’s crafty knitting magic, and sometimes, depending on the temperature, ear muffs for that extra touch of class
What was with that?
And we were off!
(Always making sure I made one last washroom break, because that ensemble was not coming off easily, if I had to run back in mid play, for any emergencies.)
The snow would be glistening from the street lights.
I would wait at the end of my house path for my sister to come and pick me up.
She was the “bus driver” and would pick me up to take me for a trip around the neighbourhood in my dad’s extra large aluminum snow shovel, that I fit in, even with room for another passenger.
We would play for hours and hours, like time stood still.
When we were called back in the house, we would undress, shake the snow off ourselves, rest all our clothing on the space heaters, and thaw out with some nice hot chocolate, ½ water and chocolate, ½ marshmallows!
No cares in the world.
And in the summer, we would use the same tools we used in the winter for our snow castles, to make our mud pies!
These of course, included Mom’s trusty cake pans and spatulas!
We would call our best friends, at 6am, right before Great Space Coaster would be starting, with our bananas as the phone, that we would be eating for breakfast. We would open our bedroom window, and yell out to their bedroom window that was conveniently situated directly across the street!
We would spend countless hours by the train tracks picking and collecting “gold rocks!” You know those pink and green rocks, off by the tracks?
We would bring bags and bags of them home, and rest them under the porch, taking Mom’s nail polish to paint them.
Very creative!
None of these amazing memories for me included a bombardment of TV shows, video games, computer games, or any stimulation other than my own creative thoughts!
In a world so overwhelmed by technology, we fail to take time out for ourselves, to get to the core of our creativity.
We spend enough time trying to accomplish what everyone in the media is telling us we must accomplish in order to be “successful” in this world.
But what we must understand, is that our passions are not a world away, they are right in our own backyard!
So, what drives you? What are some passionate creative hobbies you have been putting on the back burner, because you are so stressed trying to do all the other things in the day?
Yes we have responsibilities, yes we have chores, but if we can find time to do what we love, amidst the chaos, this is what living a sustainable and passionate life is about.
We create our own destiny.
Riches lie inside you, not in your material possessions.
So take a pencil crayon, a paint brush, or some nail polish, and create away!
LuCy sMiLeS
Ignorance Is Bliss... Or is it?
Nothing comes easily. We can be certain that we might change, when we decide to change things and circumstances around us. We can be certain as well, that nothing even greater than what we presently are will come of us if we stand still. We can even make time stand still for ourselves, no matter how fast time flies.
It is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice.
There are no guarantees in life. The rest of life, besides the "right now", is all possibility.
So why not make all things possible?
There are so many times in my life when I decided, or more correctly "pretended" that there was no other way of being but what "was", and what I was being at the time of this decision to "be still" this way, and "this" way only.
There is the past, the present and the future. Hand in hand.
We can live; we can change; but we can also go NOWHERE.
That is the simple choice.
In all of us, there are consistent patterns of living, where we know that we have decided to "not know any better".
But how much pretending, how much ignorance benefits us, until the ramifications are so boldly written out, that we are now faced with such a burden for our naivety?
We can spend just as much of our energy on not knowing any better as we can knowing full well what can allow our lives to progress... Who,what, when, why, and how we can be all of what we are, what we deserve.
We can discover that there is an abundance of everything out there, that we can and need to know that will enable us to improve our lives, our careers, our passions, and as a result live the life that we only dreamed of as children.
When we were young, our minds were filled with such magic, such amazement for life.
How is it possible, that as we grow older, as we grow "wiser", our mindset of all things amazing actually deteriorates?
Children walk through life in sheer amazement, for all that life has to offer.
But as we age, our positive thoughts of what the world has to offer, for some reason changes.
What we have to realize is "we" are who can change this thought process.
Our first call of order is the "think", take charge and be aware of what we are being offered. We write the book on what the menu of life is, no one else.
So how is it possible that we live in the "information age", but we chose to live with a lack of information???
If you are not growing... What are you doing?
But, ignorance is bliss! Or is it?
LuCy sMiLeS
It is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice.
There are no guarantees in life. The rest of life, besides the "right now", is all possibility.
So why not make all things possible?
There are so many times in my life when I decided, or more correctly "pretended" that there was no other way of being but what "was", and what I was being at the time of this decision to "be still" this way, and "this" way only.
There is the past, the present and the future. Hand in hand.
We can live; we can change; but we can also go NOWHERE.
That is the simple choice.
In all of us, there are consistent patterns of living, where we know that we have decided to "not know any better".
But how much pretending, how much ignorance benefits us, until the ramifications are so boldly written out, that we are now faced with such a burden for our naivety?
We can spend just as much of our energy on not knowing any better as we can knowing full well what can allow our lives to progress... Who,what, when, why, and how we can be all of what we are, what we deserve.
We can discover that there is an abundance of everything out there, that we can and need to know that will enable us to improve our lives, our careers, our passions, and as a result live the life that we only dreamed of as children.
When we were young, our minds were filled with such magic, such amazement for life.
How is it possible, that as we grow older, as we grow "wiser", our mindset of all things amazing actually deteriorates?
Children walk through life in sheer amazement, for all that life has to offer.
But as we age, our positive thoughts of what the world has to offer, for some reason changes.
What we have to realize is "we" are who can change this thought process.
Our first call of order is the "think", take charge and be aware of what we are being offered. We write the book on what the menu of life is, no one else.
So how is it possible that we live in the "information age", but we chose to live with a lack of information???
If you are not growing... What are you doing?
But, ignorance is bliss! Or is it?
LuCy sMiLeS
Footsteps to Follow
Her shoes, though so tiny, she walks in them so straight.
The footsteps to follow, her Daddy's, so great!
As the years come and go, she'll keep walking straight still
Following in her Daddy's foosteps, learning along with great will.
Celebrating his birthday, they laugh and play!
And they share a great love, catching magical moments along the way...
LuCy sMiLeS
The footsteps to follow, her Daddy's, so great!
As the years come and go, she'll keep walking straight still
Following in her Daddy's foosteps, learning along with great will.
Celebrating his birthday, they laugh and play!
And they share a great love, catching magical moments along the way...
LuCy sMiLeS
Sweet November
Sweet November...
The year, I reflect on it, for all that it brought.
For the tears, and the laughter, and the lessons it taught.
But mostly for the magic it had handed to me...
This Magic, in the form of an Angel; Cindy.
Sweet November, will come and my Angel will be
Setting her sights high, spreading her wings to be finally set free...
She will venture off to a world changing lives one smile at a time
Lives to be made better from her presence; from her magic,just like mine.
LuCy sMiLeS
The year, I reflect on it, for all that it brought.
For the tears, and the laughter, and the lessons it taught.
But mostly for the magic it had handed to me...
This Magic, in the form of an Angel; Cindy.
Sweet November, will come and my Angel will be
Setting her sights high, spreading her wings to be finally set free...
She will venture off to a world changing lives one smile at a time
Lives to be made better from her presence; from her magic,just like mine.
LuCy sMiLeS
Coming to Terms
No matter how you look at things, and no matter how many times you decide to “look away”, there are many instances, and may issues in our lives that will keep coming back to haunt us, until we have rightly dealt with them.
A great Donald Trump quote “The image of success is important, but even more important is the ability to focus on solutions instead of on problems. That way, you'll never be thinking like a loser, and you probably won't look like one either.”
Another thing I have learned in my “oh so many” years of learning, is that “As soon as you change the way you look at things, things change!”
This is very important. Think of any instance, any situation, or any relationship you have ever been in, or are in at this moment.
Realize that the energy you put on it , is what will manifest.
Say for instance you are in, very hypothetically speaking of course, a very “difficult and trying relationship” with your partner.
Every time you are about to head home to see them, you already know the outcome. You will walk in the door, feel that sense of anxiousness, from the last interaction, and feel the sense of insecurity. Perhaps loneliness, and misunderstanding within the relationship. Your feelings are not heard, they don’t care enough to listen, and you just wish, for once, they could be more “in tune” with your concerns; your responsibilities, as you so very much are with theirs.
All of these thoughts are going around in your head at this moment, and the moments before you walked in the door. Moments before you left the office, moments before and after you got off the phone with them throughout the day, which had you also thinking of why why why the conversation went the way it did, which was not to your liking, again.
And then, you spend perhaps too much time focusing on the relationship and the communication that is lacking in the relationship, when you both get home from the office and have time to sit down together to discuss the “fun for the weekend”… Obviously this conversation is not screaming “fun” as much as it is just simply “screaming.”
Why is this? We want it to work. We want it so badly to work.
(This is all hypothetical, because we all know we are all in the most effortless, loving, carefree and trusting relationship right now with our partners! I will tell you why I know this! Because everything is a state of mind, reality is our perception. So you can decide something is going to work, or not work. And obviously, all of our lives, my life especially, we have all decided up to now, that every relationship is going to succeed. We put our heart into all of them, with love, compassion, and a positive state of mind! Right? Of course, why would we have life any other way? We are most certainly not the common denominator to all the failed relationships, that would be silly.)
My point to this fictional example is that we may want something, so badly, but we are not putting the energy to good use.
If you look at something as negative, you will get only negative out of it.
If you consciously decided you were going to walk in the door, look at your partner in the eyes, take their hands, tell them you missed them so much, and they mean the world to you. You don’t know what you would do without them. You are so blessed to have them in your life, especially when things are tough, because who likes to go through tough times alone, I mean come on, that would be silly!
Do you think, perhaps you would get out of the relationship what you wanted?
Something positive. Like perhaps a kiss, even???
You can look at a pile of work on your desk, that Monday morning after the greatest weekend of your life, with your partner (if you so chose to bother coming back into the office, one more day of fun couldn’t hurt)- look at this work as the devil, or as the greatest challenge, and that you will succeed in accomplishing it. Even kick back with a glass or a bottle of red wine, after it is all done.
(Yes, on a Monday, and I use both a glass or a bottle, because I do not judge which one you chose, and we both know my choice, and I am not afraid to admit it. I work hard, and Monday’s can be crazy…)
What I am saying, and without pointing fingers, because if I were pointing fingers, and accidently stumbled by a mirror, there could be words, is that we all have to really come to term with things in our lives, and be honest with ourselves as to what needs to be done, BY US, for things to really go the way we want and deserve them to.
We can try again and again to blame others for the hardships, the struggles, the problems in our lives.
But for as many times as we do that, will be as many times as the hardships come back to haunt us.
I know, this is annoying.
I know for a fact looking back on every single instance in my life.
For all the times I thought something was going to be a struggle, guess what? IT WAS!
For all of the times, I decided “I am going to do this! Nothing and no one can stand in my way!” Guess What? I DID IT!
For all the times I feared I would fail? I DID!
For all the relationships I thought would end? THEY DID!
For all of the friendships that are and will be with me forever? THEY WILL!
So, think of it this way.
You can have what you want, and you can have it taken away.
It is up to you.
We will have times where things don’t go as planned.
And sometimes in life, we will get hurt, we will fall, and we will fall harder.
But remember this… You cannot control everything that happens in life, but you CAN control how you react to it.
So, if you are on your way home tonight, chose how you feel, what you are thinking, and chose best.
You can have a lovely weekend, a crappy weekend, it’s up to you.
So, don’t point the finger when you are upset with the course of your life, unless of course you are staring in front of a mirror.
Life is beautiful, if you say so!
LuCy sMiLeS
A great Donald Trump quote “The image of success is important, but even more important is the ability to focus on solutions instead of on problems. That way, you'll never be thinking like a loser, and you probably won't look like one either.”
Another thing I have learned in my “oh so many” years of learning, is that “As soon as you change the way you look at things, things change!”
This is very important. Think of any instance, any situation, or any relationship you have ever been in, or are in at this moment.
Realize that the energy you put on it , is what will manifest.
Say for instance you are in, very hypothetically speaking of course, a very “difficult and trying relationship” with your partner.
Every time you are about to head home to see them, you already know the outcome. You will walk in the door, feel that sense of anxiousness, from the last interaction, and feel the sense of insecurity. Perhaps loneliness, and misunderstanding within the relationship. Your feelings are not heard, they don’t care enough to listen, and you just wish, for once, they could be more “in tune” with your concerns; your responsibilities, as you so very much are with theirs.
All of these thoughts are going around in your head at this moment, and the moments before you walked in the door. Moments before you left the office, moments before and after you got off the phone with them throughout the day, which had you also thinking of why why why the conversation went the way it did, which was not to your liking, again.
And then, you spend perhaps too much time focusing on the relationship and the communication that is lacking in the relationship, when you both get home from the office and have time to sit down together to discuss the “fun for the weekend”… Obviously this conversation is not screaming “fun” as much as it is just simply “screaming.”
Why is this? We want it to work. We want it so badly to work.
(This is all hypothetical, because we all know we are all in the most effortless, loving, carefree and trusting relationship right now with our partners! I will tell you why I know this! Because everything is a state of mind, reality is our perception. So you can decide something is going to work, or not work. And obviously, all of our lives, my life especially, we have all decided up to now, that every relationship is going to succeed. We put our heart into all of them, with love, compassion, and a positive state of mind! Right? Of course, why would we have life any other way? We are most certainly not the common denominator to all the failed relationships, that would be silly.)
My point to this fictional example is that we may want something, so badly, but we are not putting the energy to good use.
If you look at something as negative, you will get only negative out of it.
If you consciously decided you were going to walk in the door, look at your partner in the eyes, take their hands, tell them you missed them so much, and they mean the world to you. You don’t know what you would do without them. You are so blessed to have them in your life, especially when things are tough, because who likes to go through tough times alone, I mean come on, that would be silly!
Do you think, perhaps you would get out of the relationship what you wanted?
Something positive. Like perhaps a kiss, even???
You can look at a pile of work on your desk, that Monday morning after the greatest weekend of your life, with your partner (if you so chose to bother coming back into the office, one more day of fun couldn’t hurt)- look at this work as the devil, or as the greatest challenge, and that you will succeed in accomplishing it. Even kick back with a glass or a bottle of red wine, after it is all done.
(Yes, on a Monday, and I use both a glass or a bottle, because I do not judge which one you chose, and we both know my choice, and I am not afraid to admit it. I work hard, and Monday’s can be crazy…)
What I am saying, and without pointing fingers, because if I were pointing fingers, and accidently stumbled by a mirror, there could be words, is that we all have to really come to term with things in our lives, and be honest with ourselves as to what needs to be done, BY US, for things to really go the way we want and deserve them to.
We can try again and again to blame others for the hardships, the struggles, the problems in our lives.
But for as many times as we do that, will be as many times as the hardships come back to haunt us.
I know, this is annoying.
I know for a fact looking back on every single instance in my life.
For all the times I thought something was going to be a struggle, guess what? IT WAS!
For all of the times, I decided “I am going to do this! Nothing and no one can stand in my way!” Guess What? I DID IT!
For all the times I feared I would fail? I DID!
For all the relationships I thought would end? THEY DID!
For all of the friendships that are and will be with me forever? THEY WILL!
So, think of it this way.
You can have what you want, and you can have it taken away.
It is up to you.
We will have times where things don’t go as planned.
And sometimes in life, we will get hurt, we will fall, and we will fall harder.
But remember this… You cannot control everything that happens in life, but you CAN control how you react to it.
So, if you are on your way home tonight, chose how you feel, what you are thinking, and chose best.
You can have a lovely weekend, a crappy weekend, it’s up to you.
So, don’t point the finger when you are upset with the course of your life, unless of course you are staring in front of a mirror.
Life is beautiful, if you say so!
LuCy sMiLeS
"PiEcE OuT!"
There is almost nothing more puzzling to me than when I see my list of things I want to accomplish… count out the hours in the day I have… divide it by the amount of time I need to allocate to these certain “to do’s”, press “equals”….. and?
Just as you would imagine, the magic number stares in front of me… but, it has a decimal in it.
I am not even sure what that means exactly.
So I am going to chalk it up to, “not enough time in the day!”
Like puzzles, we love to look at the big picture. We are mystified by its beauty and cannot wait to get there!
But, as well, like puzzles, it takes time, strategy and careful placement of the pieces, if we want to accomplish this task with enough time enough to actually look at it, enjoy it for what it is, and then, as we do, off to the next puzzle tackle!
We know, from watching our parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents- whoever had the addiction of tackling those large 1500 piece puzzles of New Hampshire, New England, New Foundland, and New Brunswick Houses or Scenery, bought for $0.50 at the neighbour’s garage sales- that there are certain strategies for piecing these puzzles together!
First, take a large cork or plywood piece of material, to keep this project safe and out of harms (or us rowdy nieces’ and grandchildrens’) way.
Start off with all the side and corner pieces; those are no-brainers.
“Piece out” all of the solid and dark distinguishable colours and shades.
Continue on, from the inside out, “piece out!”.
The main thing with these ever so enormous projects, whether it be the bargain basement priced puzzles, or your “to do “ lists; one thing matters above all else.
“Piece out” all that you have to do, and how you are going to do it!
Make your “to do list”, or “project list” like a puzzle to tackle.
Do the things first, that you know are the easiest, and that can be done effortlessly, and you can feel great checking them off your list, giving you the momentum to continue.
If you start off with the biggest project of them all, you will struggle, get disappointed, and sometimes quit from discouragement, leaving even the easiest of tasks undone.
If you have 5-8 easy things to do in a list of 20 things, but look at all of them at the same time, with everything else above them, still pending, of course your head is spinning.
If you have a goal, and no strategy to get you to accomplish it, you will be spending all of your very precious time pulling your hair; grinding your teeth; or my favorite- counting the holes in the plywood slats on the ceiling of my office- wondering if anyone would notice if I took 1 or 2 to use for my new hobby of 1500 piece puzzle I may pick up from the craft store on the way home, so I can feel productive since I have no idea how I am going to tackle this “to do” list I have been cringing over since what seems like forever….
I have seen enough scenic 1500 piece puzzles in my day, I can do without another, at least until I go home for the holidays.
So, don’t look at the whole picture, look at it step by step, and pat yourself on the back for accomplishing, each and every step.
Rome wasn’t built in a day!
And neither were the 1500 piece puzzles that depicted Roman Sculptures, or Roman Gods and Goddesses.
So, don’t act like you have to be a “God or Goddess”, but instead just be “good” at what you do, strive to be “even greater” with time, and work on the “greatest” strategy to get you to where you want to be.
Life is all about the journey- not the destination…
If it were the other way around, we would be buying 1500 puzzles, already pieced together. They would probably be more expensive, and who has money to spend on them or space for these honkin’ puzzles, when most of us have enough of a hassle trying to find enough income to afford, and space to hold our already existing belongings into our enormously expensive 550 sq ft downtown condos…
So, I would say focus on your “to do” lists, leave the puzzles for retirement, but don’t retire your projects until you have successfully completed them!
You can do it, just do it one day at a time.
And take a day or two off, too…
LuCy sMiLeS
Just as you would imagine, the magic number stares in front of me… but, it has a decimal in it.
I am not even sure what that means exactly.
So I am going to chalk it up to, “not enough time in the day!”
Like puzzles, we love to look at the big picture. We are mystified by its beauty and cannot wait to get there!
But, as well, like puzzles, it takes time, strategy and careful placement of the pieces, if we want to accomplish this task with enough time enough to actually look at it, enjoy it for what it is, and then, as we do, off to the next puzzle tackle!
We know, from watching our parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents- whoever had the addiction of tackling those large 1500 piece puzzles of New Hampshire, New England, New Foundland, and New Brunswick Houses or Scenery, bought for $0.50 at the neighbour’s garage sales- that there are certain strategies for piecing these puzzles together!
First, take a large cork or plywood piece of material, to keep this project safe and out of harms (or us rowdy nieces’ and grandchildrens’) way.
Start off with all the side and corner pieces; those are no-brainers.
“Piece out” all of the solid and dark distinguishable colours and shades.
Continue on, from the inside out, “piece out!”.
The main thing with these ever so enormous projects, whether it be the bargain basement priced puzzles, or your “to do “ lists; one thing matters above all else.
“Piece out” all that you have to do, and how you are going to do it!
Make your “to do list”, or “project list” like a puzzle to tackle.
Do the things first, that you know are the easiest, and that can be done effortlessly, and you can feel great checking them off your list, giving you the momentum to continue.
If you start off with the biggest project of them all, you will struggle, get disappointed, and sometimes quit from discouragement, leaving even the easiest of tasks undone.
If you have 5-8 easy things to do in a list of 20 things, but look at all of them at the same time, with everything else above them, still pending, of course your head is spinning.
If you have a goal, and no strategy to get you to accomplish it, you will be spending all of your very precious time pulling your hair; grinding your teeth; or my favorite- counting the holes in the plywood slats on the ceiling of my office- wondering if anyone would notice if I took 1 or 2 to use for my new hobby of 1500 piece puzzle I may pick up from the craft store on the way home, so I can feel productive since I have no idea how I am going to tackle this “to do” list I have been cringing over since what seems like forever….
I have seen enough scenic 1500 piece puzzles in my day, I can do without another, at least until I go home for the holidays.
So, don’t look at the whole picture, look at it step by step, and pat yourself on the back for accomplishing, each and every step.
Rome wasn’t built in a day!
And neither were the 1500 piece puzzles that depicted Roman Sculptures, or Roman Gods and Goddesses.
So, don’t act like you have to be a “God or Goddess”, but instead just be “good” at what you do, strive to be “even greater” with time, and work on the “greatest” strategy to get you to where you want to be.
Life is all about the journey- not the destination…
If it were the other way around, we would be buying 1500 puzzles, already pieced together. They would probably be more expensive, and who has money to spend on them or space for these honkin’ puzzles, when most of us have enough of a hassle trying to find enough income to afford, and space to hold our already existing belongings into our enormously expensive 550 sq ft downtown condos…
So, I would say focus on your “to do” lists, leave the puzzles for retirement, but don’t retire your projects until you have successfully completed them!
You can do it, just do it one day at a time.
And take a day or two off, too…
LuCy sMiLeS
Terms of Endearment
Proposals, employment agreements, confidential agreements, contracts, marriage licenses...
There are so many legal documents that we have signed, or have written either for ourselves, or for corporations and businesses where we are conducting business, or about to engage in relationships with other individuals, or groups. Whatever the case may be.
Have you ever thought of your contract with yourself? Agreements with you, as an individual?
Don't you think you are worthy of an agreement? A contract with yourself to be certain you are getting the appropriate respect, from you?
We are so busy being sure that everyone else is being taken care of, and making sure that all things are in order with all other relationships that we fail to pay attention to ourselves and what we mean to ourselves.
There is alot of love to go around right? But what about loving ourselves?
You know the saying "You can't love others if you don't love yourself first."
So, we need to draft up our "Terms of Endearment" Show our love and affection for oursleves, and then we are ready for the drafted agreements with others!
Terms with ourselves, knowing our worth. Terms of having some affection for ourselves.
Sound silly? So?
Seriously, doing this will change your mindset. "I AM" statements are what I survive on. If you don't put it in writing, you may as well forget about it.Instead of dreaming of all the things you want in life, write them down like you already have it, whatever it is... Write down what you are, what you have, and why you have it.
The biggest obstacle in the way of what we don't have that we want sooooo badly, is the WHY we want something.
If you want a family, kids, or even a car, a great creative job, but you don't know why you want it, you will not receive it. The universe doesn't play games with us. We are who plays games with "us"... You heard me, and it is true...
So think about what it is you want, make sure you really want it, understand specifically why you want it, and then write it down like you already have it.
For example "I am attracting the man/woman of my dreams who respects; loves and cherishes me for all that I am, and loves me unconditionally." Instead of "Why can't I meet the man/woman of my dreams?", or " Where have all the good men/women gone? I have given up on true love"...
Writing it down, making it real, and respecting your worth is crucial, because if you don't who is going to? And you have to wake up every day and read your "I AM " statements or it will get forgotten... Just like that bill from teh departments store, or crefdit card company, for that outfit, or electronic item that you purchased and have yet to pay for that keeps collecting interest.
They keep on calling you, just like your mind does, saying "where is the payment you know you bought it (or signed it) but you are not paying attention to the fact that you own this agreement, so pay attention, own it, and do something about it.
So say it like you mean it, and instead of having terms for contracts, agreements, and licenses for everyone else, put yourself first, and everything else in your life will fall into place.
We all have needs, and all our needs should and can very well be met.
But if you don't even have your own dotted line to sign on, to be signed off with your own and very unique signature, who is going to treat you like you are unique?
Signature tells us something special about someone. Including ourselves. Because we are in fact special, and should be treated as such.
So write it out, your own contract with yourself, sign sealed, and delivered...
You have control over your life. Success or failure is up to you, whether you chose to believe it or not.
You control how fortunate you are in your relationships with others, but most specifically yourself. You create your wealth with your effort, and being true to yourself is effortless, so just be and let thing be what they are.
LuCy sMiLeS
There are so many legal documents that we have signed, or have written either for ourselves, or for corporations and businesses where we are conducting business, or about to engage in relationships with other individuals, or groups. Whatever the case may be.
Have you ever thought of your contract with yourself? Agreements with you, as an individual?
Don't you think you are worthy of an agreement? A contract with yourself to be certain you are getting the appropriate respect, from you?
We are so busy being sure that everyone else is being taken care of, and making sure that all things are in order with all other relationships that we fail to pay attention to ourselves and what we mean to ourselves.
There is alot of love to go around right? But what about loving ourselves?
You know the saying "You can't love others if you don't love yourself first."
So, we need to draft up our "Terms of Endearment" Show our love and affection for oursleves, and then we are ready for the drafted agreements with others!
Terms with ourselves, knowing our worth. Terms of having some affection for ourselves.
Sound silly? So?
Seriously, doing this will change your mindset. "I AM" statements are what I survive on. If you don't put it in writing, you may as well forget about it.Instead of dreaming of all the things you want in life, write them down like you already have it, whatever it is... Write down what you are, what you have, and why you have it.
The biggest obstacle in the way of what we don't have that we want sooooo badly, is the WHY we want something.
If you want a family, kids, or even a car, a great creative job, but you don't know why you want it, you will not receive it. The universe doesn't play games with us. We are who plays games with "us"... You heard me, and it is true...
So think about what it is you want, make sure you really want it, understand specifically why you want it, and then write it down like you already have it.
For example "I am attracting the man/woman of my dreams who respects; loves and cherishes me for all that I am, and loves me unconditionally." Instead of "Why can't I meet the man/woman of my dreams?", or " Where have all the good men/women gone? I have given up on true love"...
Writing it down, making it real, and respecting your worth is crucial, because if you don't who is going to? And you have to wake up every day and read your "I AM " statements or it will get forgotten... Just like that bill from teh departments store, or crefdit card company, for that outfit, or electronic item that you purchased and have yet to pay for that keeps collecting interest.
They keep on calling you, just like your mind does, saying "where is the payment you know you bought it (or signed it) but you are not paying attention to the fact that you own this agreement, so pay attention, own it, and do something about it.
So say it like you mean it, and instead of having terms for contracts, agreements, and licenses for everyone else, put yourself first, and everything else in your life will fall into place.
We all have needs, and all our needs should and can very well be met.
But if you don't even have your own dotted line to sign on, to be signed off with your own and very unique signature, who is going to treat you like you are unique?
Signature tells us something special about someone. Including ourselves. Because we are in fact special, and should be treated as such.
So write it out, your own contract with yourself, sign sealed, and delivered...
You have control over your life. Success or failure is up to you, whether you chose to believe it or not.
You control how fortunate you are in your relationships with others, but most specifically yourself. You create your wealth with your effort, and being true to yourself is effortless, so just be and let thing be what they are.
LuCy sMiLeS
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