Communication is essential in building and maintaining lasting professional and personal relationships.
In this information age, where we depend on technology for most of our business interactions, be it cell phones, email, fax, you name it, it is wonderful to be given a tool that allows for us to actually slow down, pay attention and really embrace our communication, and our relationships with people we care about.
Sending cards of love and appreciation to all those in our lives is therapeutic, and calming. The words of love and care just roll of the tongue, and we brighten our days and our loved ones days just by sharing positive energy out into the world.
Bringing smiles to all those who have been given the opportunity to receive these wonderful gifts of recognition for what they have brought into our lives!
Many of our communications get distorted when put it in an email, or leave voice mail. We may speak out of haste, we may not be transmitting the message that we wish, and things just don’t come out right. So how wonderful to convey a message we know will not be distorted!
What about the messages you are transmitting in your mind?
How are you communicating with yourself?
With love, compassion, and acceptance? Like these messages we send to others?
Are you focusing on the positive, and the power that you have, in the cards that you hold for your future?
Taking ownership? Realizing you are the one who chose this deck, you will be the one to hold them, fold them, and hopefully know when to walk away?
Or do you catch yourself repeating in your mind “What is going to happen? “What is in the cards for me, for my career, for my relationship?”
We must work hard for what we want to achieve, attain and maintain in our lives.
Nothing will ever progress if we continually sit and wonder what is in the cards for us.
If we do, it is going to be along, and trying road to success.
We can discover that there is an abundance of everything out there, that we have the power to improve our lives, our careers, our passions, if we can understand that it is not “for some reason”, it is because we chose our thoughts, be that what they may be.
No one can decide for you what you want in your life, and what you need to release and let go of in your life, in order to have all that you want! This for you to decide, you hold the cards, and every choice you make is yours, and only yours.
The more powerful you realize you are, the more powerful your life will become.
This is living a life of abundance!
What’s in your cards?
LuCy sMiLeS
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