I have a great idea! It came to me in a dream the other night.
It really made up for those dreams when you realize you are walking without pants, or you cannot chew the wad of gum in your mouth that keeps getting bigger no matter how many times you try to take it out. Do you ever have those annoying dreams?
What about the dream where you are trying to dial someone’s number, and you cannot for the life of you get it right, and you need so badly to reach them?
I hate that dream!!!
Or the dream where you are running a marathon, but you cannot move your legs? And when you do, they both feel like 100 lbs, and you just keep wabbling to the side?
I actually just had this dream, and so in order to prevent humiliation, I opened my purse, and took out my lip gloss to reapply, so I made it seem like I was setting off to the side momentarily, on purpose.
Until I realized what type of materialistic pretentious fool of a lady 1) runs a marathon with a purse in hand, 2) reapplies gloss mid marathon?
I hated that dream even more…
K, so yes, back to the dream I loved!
I had this dream that I was completely and utterly pumped, ready to take on the world!
I realized in this dream, what was helping me along in this was simple, and so genuine.
It was my thoughts!
The “I think I can, I think I can, I know I can!” Kind of attitude!
I was pretty impressed with myself, and the realization that really, all I need to do is think I can do something, and I can do it!
We have talked about this before, but ultimately, my focus here is on “attitude!”
If you have the confident attitude that something can be fun, even exciting, and something can be learned from the experience you are about to take on, it really allows you to have a brighter appreciation for just about anything you do.
Things will appear boring and pointless if you want them too.
I have done things in life, where the first thought was that it was challenging and scary, and the second time I thought about it, I was so excited and confident, actually itching to do it, and do it well!
I was 22 years old, when I moved to Toronto.
I was working on a Fashion shoot for our Fall Line Marketing Material, at a Fashion Agency I worked at, and I had no idea what I was doing, and it was the scariest project!
I pondered, and feared how I was going to accomplish this nightmare of a portfolio.
I had no guidance other than, “Can you put together a Fashion shoot for our Fall Line Marketing Material please, thanks!”
The next day, I thought about it as “my own baby” I can do whatever I wanted! I could show my Boss what I was made of, and able to take it to whatever level I wanted!
So I complied all the of sample clothes, called up the Model Agency, whipped up the line list, booked a photographer, and make-up artist, and I was on my way.
I acted like I did when I was younger, and “played fashion show”, only this was the real deal, Fall Fashion Shoot, and I was now Marketing Coordinator!
I actually got offered a permanent career with the company, from showing I was “capable”.
If I kept my frightful mood from the first day, I know the end result would have been poor, just like my poor attitude.
You can even spend hours doing data entry, and make it fun, it is all in your thoughts!
No seriously!
(I made this example on purpose because I just took on a freelance contract doing data entry for a friend’s Recruiting business, and you best believe I am not letting this experience go without having some fun with it! If anything I can decide which names from the list I picture naming my future children after!
I mean what if I never had the chance to type hundreds of different names, I would have never been able to short list my own names list for children in my future! If anything, do it for the children!)
Move over Tortoise, Move over Hare; “Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed” wins the race I say!
Are you ready to win?
LuCy sMiLeS
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