If the law of the universe states that everything we put out into the world, we get back ten fold, there is no exception when it comes to honesty; moreover "dishonesty."
When we were kids, we were taugh to tell the truth.
Of course we were.
But every once in a while, we would hear our parents talk about little "white lies" they may have told us, and would admit to us as we conversed when we grew older.
A little fib here and there never hurt anyone.
This could then be imbedded in our heads, as adults, to justify our own actions with these little "white lie" tellings...
Think of the last little white lie you may told, had you ever been so bold as to tell one.
I am sure you haven't.
And if you had, say, who it didn't really hurt, anyway?
No one, if this is the case, right... I am sure it is, I mean, our parent's wouldn't lie.
But honestly speaking; truly, we are only hurting ourselves.
Just as we teach others how to treat us, we are teaching the universe how to treat us by what we put out there.
In a world lived in fear, judgement, apprehension; even doubt, there is one thing we can do for ourselves, that no one else is responsible for.
We can be honest with how we live our lives, honest with the people with whom we share our lives, and live life as honest as possible.
There is nothing worse than feeling as though someone we truly care about is being dishonest with us.
But, if you ever look back at how you feel when you are the one being dishonest to others, there is actually no worse feeling.
So, just when we have this preoccupation that people can easily hurt us with their deceit, causing us to live our lives with anxiety, and distrust for those around us,
as more law than luck would have it, you have more control over the honest intentions of others that you attract in your life, by having honest inentions yourself!
We can't guarantee that our lives are going to be free from bites and bruises, but isn't it nice to know that for every white lie you turn into the truth, positivity will come back at you 10 fold?
Hey, It's better than a kick in the a**....
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