Remember in high school, when certain girls would spend so much time talking about certain girls?
And judging certain girls for certain things?
I don't remember guys doing this they were too busy not worrying about anything but certain sports, and well, certain girls.
In highschool there was so much pressure to be part of the "in", crowd, that we never really sat back to realize that there is absolutely no such thing as an "in" crowd.
If we are lucky (by this I mean "aware") when we get older, we start to learn more about "ourselves", rather than how to become everyone else. We start to create groups of friends who are similar to us. Genuine friendships, without judgement.
Now that we start to "accept" ourselves for all that we are, we are capable of creating and maintaining relationships with those around us, who are likeminded. We can now grow powerful friendships in abundance, instead of sitting back, and wondering why people can't just be like us... When really this always just meant we hadn't the faintest idea who we were...
We must be compassionate and loving in our friendships, and loving to those around us, and what they have to offer, we are here on earth to learn about others, and in turn learn more about ourselves. If we feel the need to judge someone, and create any conflict within our relationships with others, perhaps we need to look inside at ourselves and recognize the conflict within ourselves.
As soon as we see that we are discriminating, it is time to acknowledge our own inner intolerance, and re-focus on who we believe is deserving of judgement.
We, in our own minds, do not feel deserving of loving compassionate friendships, therefore we actually sabotage the creation of them, and the creation of friendships around us.
This is not fair to us, and not fair to others.
We can all look back at the bully or bullies in highschool. Back then, they may have been scary, confident and in charge of the school yard, when all the while they were the loneliest kid on the block.
When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
~Wayne Dyer
I sat around a table of gorgeous women last night, many of which I have had the pleasure of introducing to each other.
And all of these women have grown strong and beautiful friendships with each other, not just with me.
I realized how blessed I was to have a wonderful circle of Goddess women.
Now that I am so close to knowing who I am, and what I value in life, I have attracted amazing and powerful women to share my life with me, and to share their lives with each other.
We are a "Collective Soul"
There were a few who couldn't make it, but your soul was there in spirit...
It is enough in life to try to keep up with the pressures of work, financial stability, time management and breathing in a moment for ourselves amidst the chaos of day to day stresses. It is a breathe of fresh air to be surrounded by people who are understanding, empathetic, and share many of the same values and morals as we do.
And even better to know that our circle of close ties can enjoy eachother, all together and branched off, creating many dynamics of friendships within our one circle.
We cannot do everything for everyone, or be everything to everyone... that's what friends are for!!!!
LuCy sMiLeS
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