“Ready, Set, Go”
Change is inevitable. Of all things we may be uncertain about in life, at least we can be certain of this. It is our one constant, in a world of unknown…
No matter how much we try to resist change, it will always be in front of us.
How do you react to change? Do you resist it or do you embrace it?
There are many things in our lives that we can control, but how we succumb to change is not one of them. We can control how we acknowledge change.
Just as we would prepare for when the seasons change, we can be just as ready for when change takes place, in other areas of our lives. By being open to it.
Get “ready” for change to come, “set” your gears to take it on, with fearlessness,
and “go” with the flow.
It is not “what” is changing, as much as how you deal with change that counts!
“When you change the way you look and feel about things, the things you look at change”
LuCy sMiLeS
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