We’ve all heard that the path to greatness; the road to success; is not a straight one.
We can set our sights on the what we wish to attain, visualizing the end results, and moving towards it with passion, precision but most importantly-
This is key… Advancing knowing full well that there will be obstacles, sudden changes in direction, and surprises that may take us off course.
Let this be so. Embrace this not with fear, or resentment, but with excitement and confidence that this is the way it is to be, for you, specifically.
If you plan to move forward, only expecting what you first set out to journey through, you are mistaken.
If you are racing to get to where you see yourself, you are not living.
You must accept intersections laid in front of you, as every experience draws in yet another road, another intersection, another yield sign, with every encounter, unknown to you until you hit them.
It is imperative for you to change direction once in a while in order for your path to be that much more fulfilling, and for your destination to be that much more rewarding.
LuCy sMiLeS
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