Ever so sweet, his nose would touch mine
As we’d lay down, all tuckered, sweet dreams we would find.
Long walks they all were; over bridges, through streets.
In the dead cold of winter; in the hazed summer heats.
Not only were early mornings spent strolling away,
But the nights found us at whatever park he’d decided that day.
“Hello” we would holler, to all friends on our path…
Many adventures found him muddy and needing a bath!
The look in his eyes- tolerant, as he’d stop and turn round,
When “Wait for Mommy, cute puppy!”, was the familiar sound.
Of all that is magic, and all that is pure,
It’s the heart of a puppy, and all they’d endure.
For when they love you, they love you with all they can give.
They will do anything, anything for you, as long as they live.
What I know in my heart, are many things I may have not.
If without the days with my puppy, and all that he’s taught.
I rest assured that the energy of this bond cannot be broken.
In my heart, rests our love, and its very sacred token.
LuCy sMiLeS
(Julius, mom loves you:)
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