In reflection, I get it. I truly just get it!
Who'd a thunk it would all make sense.
So many times I just sat back and said "What the ...."
When things happened when they did, why they did, how they did, and with whom they did.
I NOW just get it!
Heck, even looking back on something as materialistic as my shoes! Even though I knew that it was right for me to lose all of my shoes in my move in May, and I understood then, that it was MEANT to happen, now, I get it even more.
They never survived the move forward, they were not supposed to. They could not walk me forward, from what they represented, the person who walked in those shoes, and the experiences those shoes had need no longer walk with me.
Do you get it?
I had many things that tried to survive moving forward. Some energies still took a few last breaths just recently.
But, they too... did not survive.
That is ok...
We must cleanse our lives of what does not help us grow, in order to make room for the magical flowers and leaves that WILL help us.
"Life's wisdom arrives gracefully, and the wonder of this miracle is that we all receive its gift."
This quote has allowed me to reflect on the year that has passed. And, as with everything that comes in to your life, many things must leave...
Every person, every experience, every "torture" happens because it is to happen. Whether you want to believe it or not. It is ok even if you don't believe it...
Because you will believe eventually. And... "at just the right time."
I know that I have had as many ups as I have had downs. I have had ups so high that when I went down, it would take a while to grasp how it was possible...
"How can I have been up so high, to have come, then, so far down?"
Did I not learn? Isn't that why I went up so high? Didn't I just get it?
How did I just lose it, if I got it?
Who took it away?
But, this is what brings me to a conclusion...
There will be tests, and there will be truths that come to us, and they will come to us, and they will come to us.
But until we are willing to look at ourselves in the eyes and see what is going on, admit what is going on, admit our worth, and admit our love for ourselves, we will continue to look to others, who are in fact a reflection of all that we think of ourselves.
So if you feel unworthy, unlovable,you will only attract that of which you believe in yourself.
So do yourself a favour... believe in yourself right now. I mean you are going to eventually!
Why not cut through the red tape, now? Here, I will pass you some scissors. Cut it, throw it away, and run to the mirror. Look at the most amazingly beautiful creature that stands before you, and tell this person how much they mean to you.
I was forced into this one... LOL!( You know who you are and I love you for it.)
I betcha once you do, you will then attract only the same amazingly beautiful people in your life that you see in yourself.
Trust me... Like attracts like.
And there is nothing wrong with that!
So whoever you want to come into your life, you best believe they will be a representation of what you think of yourself.
In destiny's grand design, there are no random meetings. All is meant to be.
If you look back on all that you have met, and when, and why, take a look at how you felt about yourself and you will see an amazing resemblance.
The most magical part about this, is we create our own destinies.
You can fall in love with the person of your dreams, fall madly head over heels.
But you must first fall in love with yourself.
And if there are certain things you know you must rid of to find this love, take ownership of this, and throw these things away.
Or do what I did! Lose all your heels, to fall head over heels!
It is worth it!!! Expensive, but worth it none the less!
At the end of the day it will all makes sense.
But do know that it doesn't all have to right now.
"The graceful dance of falling leave brings reflections of times past and bright hopes for all that is yet to be"
I hope you take time out to dance and dance gacefully.
And if you don't know how to dance, or how to love yourself and all that you are, and why... pretend you do! If you pretend long enough, you won't know any better and it will become you!
Believe me, I pretend as much as the next guy, and proudly so...
I am that closer to becoming me in doing so!
Who'd a thunk it?
LuCy sMiLeS
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