How many times have you bought something, specifically because you see “free gift”, when you buy….”
Free gift? Aren’t all gifts free?
I used to always even buy for the sole purpose of “ buy 3 get the 4th free!!!”
Funny... how many of that one item do we really need?
I can see if it were bars of soap, or other household supplies, since chances are we have the intention of continuously cleaning our homes.
But when is it too much?
Same thing goes for other aspects in our lives. Sometimes more than one is “too much!”
Heck, sometimes 1 of something is too much!
When we bombard our thoughts and our personal space with too much “stuff” it takes away from our spirituality.
We are not able to live a calm and serene life, when we are overcompensating with material things.
Decluttering your life, means de-cluttering your thoughts and mind as well.
And it starts with the material things…
“In order to be great, you must be willing to give up everything”
Are you willing to give up everything?
Or, does what you have surrounding you mean “everything” to you?
I hope not!!!
I realized, and happily so, that all these years of shopping didn’t actually lead to a life of abundance.
Quite the opposite, actually...
My ABUNDANT life would begin, once I gave up all of the material things that surrounds to me, that I do not need!
How crazy is that? I would have never guessed.
We spend so much time looking and commenting “She has…!”
“Did you see his new….?”
“When I make more money, I am soooo buying a bigger…”
I wish I’d have known better, earlier. I could have used the extra thousands of dollars I spent making sure I had the "new this that and the other" to pay off those nasty school loans, that still sit there waiting for me to give in, and fork over my hard earned cash to pay off in full.
So, instead, I sit here, and pay monthly interest, not only on those loans, but also on the scarves, the numerous jeans, boots, jackets, and jewelry, frames, coasters, and vases I thought I couldn’t live without months ago…
It is certain in our minds, when we buy something, we truly want it, why else would we buy it in the first place, right?
But it is just stuff. Stuff that fills our closets, our rooms, and our homes…
Don’t get me wrong, we need certain things to survive, and it is nice to surround ourselves with beauty, and quality that represents our styles, our passions, and our sense of self, but how much is too much?
Many times we hear ourselves and others complain about wanting to live a life of serenity, our minds are so cluttered, our days are so stressed.
But, have you really looked around your atmosphere? What you have in your life? Have you reflected on whether or not you need everything surrounds you? Maybe you would be better off without, maybe the “less is more” concept really does have meaning!!!
If you had to give it all up, in an instant, if it meant you could be the most powerful you can be, would you be able to?
I know I would.
I have always been the type of person who loved stuff. Be it clothing, shoes, scarves, furniture and room accessories, books, you name it, I was always buying, and I always had 4 of one item when it was buy 3 get the 4th free.
One in every colour, even!
But when I look back on why I bought these items, and how my life was at the "time of purchase", I can say many a times, it had nothing to do with how much I liked the items, and how I was lacking without them in my home, or on my feet, or in my closet, but moreover I was feeling a lacking inside of me. I didn't need more stuff to feel I was more important, I really just needed more love. Love of myself. That is something one cannot find in a store, and not have more of if you can buy 3 and get the forth free.
Enjoy the fine things in life, because you are worth it. Surround yourself with beauty that reminds you of "you!"
Quality vs. quantity.
Love is the "gift with purchase" when you are willing to buy into the fact that true happiness doesn't have a price tag.
LuCy sMiLeS
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