All in a Day's Work! If you say so!!!

If we spent all the time we used worrying and wondering how to get things done, actually working to get things done, we could very well be there already, at the finish line.
We spend so much time planning and writing out our “to do’s”, organizing what time slots to do what, and reorganizing, that we could have been done half of them, if we weren’t spending so much time thinking about them, and organizing when to do them, and finally procrastinating the inevitable!

Also, we expect so much of ourselves, and we race to get to the finish line, but are we really running the quickest track? Or are we backtracking, taking detours and as a result not utilizing or time properly and to our best advantage?

We need to sit down and know what is important, what is really needed to get done, and what can wait.
Not everything has to be done on Monday. If it were, I am in bigger trouble than I thought.

And our minds are what sets our limits, decide our fears and is responsible for our “day’s work”, whether we are talking about office work, professional development, personal growth, healthy lifestyle planning, or spiritual quests. All of these fall under our “Day’s Work” with ourselves.

No matter what, everything we have worried about in the past, either that we had to get done, or things that we faced having to experience, we have survived up to this point.
All the situations that felt overwhelming, all of the worries that seems “life or death”, were all endured, and we are all still here, only stronger for having lived them out.

You know those times when you think, “this is the worst”, “ I will not live this through”, “I cannot believe this is happening- pass me a dark hole so I can crawl in it before someone sees me”.
Remember those times?

I remember “saying and feeling” those things, but let’s be honest, do we really remember what there were in regards to?
Precisely! We have no clue!

So, just remember that, next time you “cannot believe this is happening to me, it is the worst thing ever ever ever”, or “there is no way in a million years I am going to get this done on time” “It is impossible that I will get out of this alive”…

It’s not the worst thing, it’s just another situation to test your patience, your strength and your integrity, and sometimes just a test of your time management.

Planning and strategizing to make life’s tasks flow smoothly is always a great idea, but don’t spend your life planning, take some time to live, too!

We learn from past experiences, that not everything has to happen “All in a day’s work!” And trying to get everything done in a day is a cause for stress and a recipe for disaster!

I learned my own lesson, back in college… My best friend and I actually waited until the last day to create a 100 page back to back Business Plan, opening our own virtual Hotel/ Restaurant/ Spa in Niagara Falls for Business Development class. Speaking of “all in a day’s work”, we started at 3pm the day before it was due, stayed up all night with endless cups of coffee, and a few caffeine pills to pop when the coffee was not done brewing, and had it on the Professor’s desk 3 minutes before the 12:30pm deadline the next day.

Believe me, quality work need not be done in a day, unless you are happy with giving it your 51%.

I never made that mistake twice.
Take my advice. Take your time.

Life is not a race to the finish line…

LuCy sMiLeS

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