"We are so programmed to think one way, we sometimes fail to recognize that there are other ways of being- like our own."LoVe L.S.
With a supposed limited number of hours a day to get everything in, we must take in how many of these hours we spend "in" focusing on things that we can do without.
I am not one for watching television, although I have certainly watched my fair share in the past.
I never actually realized the shift in my life, from paying more attention to my own outdoor surroundings, rather than surrounding my days with the fiction of lives and drama on TV.
We all need an "out" to let us regain composure and create a getaway from our every day stresses.
However, how much of this is spent actually enjoying the outdoors?
I have been writing for years, now, and noticed that the less time I spent in front of movies, and television, the more time I spent on manifesting my own passions to reality.
Not to knock those who enjoy lerning and growing from seeing the amazing and sometimes profound findings we may only have the chance to get from educational and motivational films and programs.
But how many of your day to day dramas are programmed by what we see in the fictional lives of others on screen? And how many moments do you try to keep up to the media's views?
I can say, in my own experience, my journey to find me, and live an authentic life of love and learning has certainly heightened by lowering the voices of that which doesn't pertain to my own real life.
Use your spare time to do things that make you smile, laugh, and calm down; but spare yourself from allowing programs on TV to program you into trying to be something you do not have to be, and shouldn't want to be.
Be yourself and enjoy a few stimulating episodes when you can, Rated "R".
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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