What are your dreams?
What is standing in the way from you and achieving them?
All of us, at one point or another have set out for something,
in our lives, and made a conscious decision to carry out the necessary steps to attain this "something."
If you can take 10 minutes of your day, today,
write out all the things,
you can remember, from the top of your head,
that you have accomplished up to this very day.
The point of this exercise is not to focus so much
on the large things, as this may make your list
shorter than it deserves to be.
The point is to write anything, and everything you
can remember wishing to achieve, that you have in
turn achieved,
because of your drive to have it.
Everything you have accomplished, big or small,
from painting a bedroom,
to painting the town red in a foreign country you
always wished to see-
the same thing holds true...
You had enough of drive and ambition to carry it out.
It doesn't matter if you left a career to pursue your own
Entrepreneurial dreams, or made it through
the first week, successfully,in a position that scared you.
Whatever it is you want, you must want it badly
enough to take hold of it, and own it.
I am going to do this exercise, line by line, knowing that,
I can do anything my heart desires,
as long as my heart and soul are in line with my dreams.
Take your pen, hurry up and go.
Make your dreams apparently so.
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