"It takes going back to what worked to know what no longer does."
LoVe L.S.
LoVe L.S.
Well it's official.
I have journeyed to and fro and to and fro again, until I now can see clearly that it is time to let go.
Is there something in your life, that you seem to hang on to, because it served you well?
Perhaps something that you subconsciously still believe serves you, because it just always had?
Something that if you stopped to look at it, you may be surprised to know that it is time, and very much ok, to now let go?
Perhaps you may feel saddened, as this "thing" was such a significant part of your life, and served such a purpose, you don't know your life, otherwise?
It can be anything.
A job, a friendship, a home, or even a habit.
We have a habit of keeping with us, things that served us, not realizing we can now move on, and better, but not having to attach and latch onto this.
In my own experience of personal and professional succeeding, I have seen, with my own eyes, that not all that served me and my purpose to now, has a purpose, still.
I can look, acknowledge, thank and let go of things, with gratitude and move on to what lies ahead on my path.
Many times, in life, we can attach to that which gives us familiar comfort.
However, maybe we can take comfort in knowing that we are always protected, no matter where we go, and the unknown is ok.
We can let go of the things that made us feel safe, and safely move along on our way, making way for the new!
Always follow your heart and never lose sight.
And always carry with you, what serves you right!
"Thank you, Vancouver, I love you...
I couldn't have done it, without you."
LuCy sMiLeS
I have journeyed to and fro and to and fro again, until I now can see clearly that it is time to let go.
Is there something in your life, that you seem to hang on to, because it served you well?
Perhaps something that you subconsciously still believe serves you, because it just always had?
Something that if you stopped to look at it, you may be surprised to know that it is time, and very much ok, to now let go?
Perhaps you may feel saddened, as this "thing" was such a significant part of your life, and served such a purpose, you don't know your life, otherwise?
It can be anything.
A job, a friendship, a home, or even a habit.
We have a habit of keeping with us, things that served us, not realizing we can now move on, and better, but not having to attach and latch onto this.
In my own experience of personal and professional succeeding, I have seen, with my own eyes, that not all that served me and my purpose to now, has a purpose, still.
I can look, acknowledge, thank and let go of things, with gratitude and move on to what lies ahead on my path.
Many times, in life, we can attach to that which gives us familiar comfort.
However, maybe we can take comfort in knowing that we are always protected, no matter where we go, and the unknown is ok.
We can let go of the things that made us feel safe, and safely move along on our way, making way for the new!
Always follow your heart and never lose sight.
And always carry with you, what serves you right!
"Thank you, Vancouver, I love you...
I couldn't have done it, without you."
LuCy sMiLeS
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