"Some things cannot be written to be heard." LoVe L.S.
In this day and age, we are so bombarded with emails, texts, blackberry messenger, facebook, My Space, Twitter... we forget what it sounds like to actually communicate with a voice.
I am not innocent. I am so used to using all of these less than personal conversing tools, I actually forgt to check my voicemail, as I don't think to, anymore.
What ever happened to picking up the phone to let someone know you care?
I have no problem with using all of these convenient tools to get through my business day, as being an Entrepreneur, I am always on the go, so having a blackberry, for me, allows me to keep up with the business demands, while cater to my schedule out of the office.
But when is it a better time to stop typing and start talking?
I have a select few people I DO pick up the phone, be it my parents, my sister, and my best friend, or boyfriend,where texting is not the only form of conversation, but instead enjoyable one on one relating. I realize how much better it feels to have an actual two way conversation!
Not to say with these people, I don't also enjoy sharing a one liner about a happening while they are not there, or a "thinking of you" gesture. But there is a difference between this being a casual communcation as opposed to a core communcation.
We can definitely use these amazing technologies to help, rather than hinder our lifestyles.
With so much being miscommunicated, in our day to day lives, as it is, let's make a point of picking up the phone.
There is nothing like the sound of a familiar voice, to get you through a stressful or busy day.
LuCy sMiLeS
I am not innocent. I am so used to using all of these less than personal conversing tools, I actually forgt to check my voicemail, as I don't think to, anymore.
What ever happened to picking up the phone to let someone know you care?
I have no problem with using all of these convenient tools to get through my business day, as being an Entrepreneur, I am always on the go, so having a blackberry, for me, allows me to keep up with the business demands, while cater to my schedule out of the office.
But when is it a better time to stop typing and start talking?
I have a select few people I DO pick up the phone, be it my parents, my sister, and my best friend, or boyfriend,where texting is not the only form of conversation, but instead enjoyable one on one relating. I realize how much better it feels to have an actual two way conversation!
Not to say with these people, I don't also enjoy sharing a one liner about a happening while they are not there, or a "thinking of you" gesture. But there is a difference between this being a casual communcation as opposed to a core communcation.
We can definitely use these amazing technologies to help, rather than hinder our lifestyles.
With so much being miscommunicated, in our day to day lives, as it is, let's make a point of picking up the phone.
There is nothing like the sound of a familiar voice, to get you through a stressful or busy day.
LuCy sMiLeS
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