"However you look at it, is how you will live it, no matter what it is "
LoVe L.S.
Whether it is the dreary Monday morning, after a relaxing and very stress free weekend; the end of the month, when the bills are due; or two hours before that blind date your best friend set you up with, with her cousin...
We all have our very own way of looking at things.
We also tend to have a habit of looking at things a certain same way, no matter what the issue is.
All three above scenerios can be looked at with anxiety, just as much as they can be looked at as a fresh start, or a new beginning.
I used to look at Monday Mornings, as a fresh start, when I had my 9-5 job, although many others in my office may have already been anxiously awaiting Friday afternoon. I really did.
Today, admittedly, being an Entrepreneur I have no idea what day it is, sometimes what month it is for that matter- so I use every day as a new day.
In my own current experience, I can very much say that not one day, not every one moment is the same. Things change in my own life, as I am sure, yours, at the drop of a hat!
We can create the best laid plans, and something or someone will come in and change every last step, from their presence.
Sometimes, we may be fortunate and sometimes, not so fortunate.
Fortunately, we have all the control over stepping up or stepping down to the situation.
Look at it this way:
Life may not always be what you wish, but it may not also be what it seems.
Use every lesson as an opportunity to see a new blessing.
You'll be happy you did!
If you look at it this way.
LuCy sMiLeS
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