"We can try hiding from our fears, but they always have a way of finding us, in the end."Love Di
When we are going through something personal, traumatic, hurtful or down right intolerable,it is never easy to have others tell us to simply let it go.
There is always something inside us, while we are dealing with certain matters, that underneath it all, the misery serves some sort of purpose.
Not to say we truly enjoy being miserable, or truly enjoy having pain in our lives.But, simply, sometimes we sit with things longer than we may need, feeling likeit feels appropriate to hurt, and we allow ourselves to hurt much more than we do need.
Having said this, it is also important for us to look at why it is we carry on suchemotional burdens for perhaps longer than we need.Guilt? Unworthiness?
Feeling alone? Scared to grow?In life, we certainly have a select few things we would much rather do without, but if we can look at what we are going through, for the lessons, perhaps we willhave more ease in simply letting things go.It is always going to be something. Life is a series of courses, lesson after lesson.
Of course things are going to take place that we may not appreciate at the moment.So if we can look, learn and let go, to move on, we may have a better chance of living with less regret, less hurt and less blame.
When something comes your way? Don't deny it and hide from it. And definitely don't look to whoever may be beside you, to blame them for our lessthan favorable situation.Look at it, for what it is, observe how you are and who you are while in it.
Deal with it the best way you can, thank the universe for the lesson, and move on.
The less you carry with you from the past, the more magic you will see in your presentlife, and the more glorious the future will be. You can notice, when you clear your mind, all that is offered to you, every singleday, that you can truly be grateful for. But only if you look at life for all the abundance, instead of focusing on the scarcity,all you don't have, moreover, all you have that you don't want.
Get over the hurdles given, with a smile, and watch the sun rise to the occasionfor you on more days than not. And when it doesn't, because not always will it, get over it.
Tomorrow is another day.
LoVe,LuCy sMiLeS
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