"Many magical places I go now, are from taking chances to go where I have gone."
Love Di
Love Di
Think of all the countless connections you have created since you can remember.
Of all of these wonderful and many magical connections, much of the magic can be noticed from the "seemingly concidental" creation of these connections.
I can, in my own life, look at all or many of the formed friendships, and see that these blessings in my life could have passed without a glance had I not taken certain opportunities, out of the box, in my life.
We know that we are always just where we are meant to be, and with whom we are meant to be with, now.
We also know the best way to embrace where we are, and with whom, is to live in the now, for what it has to offer.
However, if we can take chances, takes risks and sometimes times take a shot in the dark, to go after our dreams, we may be very much surprised by the serendipitous surroundings that are before us.
So before you opt out of thinking outside the box, or getting out of your comfort zone- know that sometimes it's the best thing to do.
And, if you are anything like me, your whole world will change forever, and forever for the better, when you do.
LuCy sMiLeS
Of all of these wonderful and many magical connections, much of the magic can be noticed from the "seemingly concidental" creation of these connections.
I can, in my own life, look at all or many of the formed friendships, and see that these blessings in my life could have passed without a glance had I not taken certain opportunities, out of the box, in my life.
We know that we are always just where we are meant to be, and with whom we are meant to be with, now.
We also know the best way to embrace where we are, and with whom, is to live in the now, for what it has to offer.
However, if we can take chances, takes risks and sometimes times take a shot in the dark, to go after our dreams, we may be very much surprised by the serendipitous surroundings that are before us.
So before you opt out of thinking outside the box, or getting out of your comfort zone- know that sometimes it's the best thing to do.
And, if you are anything like me, your whole world will change forever, and forever for the better, when you do.
LuCy sMiLeS
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