"I would fall down less if I kept my chin up!"
LoVe L.S.
LoVe L.S.
When most of us commute to and from the office, from meetings, kid's extra curricular activities, or sometimes just from the mailbox- a lot of our time is spent in a whole other world other than the Earth in which we are physically walking.
We can do so many things, without thinking- sometimes even driving, not remembering how we even made it to our destinations unharmed- or worse, without harming others.We may wonder why we are so confused about certain things in our lives, when we actually spend most of our days in such a daze, any confusion should in fact be quite clear.Do you watch your step when you walk?
Do you see and stay on a clear path in front of you, or are you strolling along staring at the sky or scheduling your next step in your mind's computer?We all experience multi-tasking, as we have more on our plates than seemingly ever before.
In our quest for accomplishing as many tasks as we can, we can also take a moment to breathe and step outside of our crazy schedules to breathe in and take in a moment or two.
Sometimes it is about that time to transfer our chaotic thoughts, and treat ourselves with a mental break.Wake up every morning ready for a new day of triumphs perhaps amidst a few daily tasks or trials, and make sure you watch your step while you walk your beautiful life.
There is magic in every last one.
LuCy sMiLeS
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