One of the nicest things, one of which magic brings.
How wonderful it used to feel when there seemed to be no such thing as time, and our days were spent dilly dallying until dusk.
As a child, I remember waking up as early as 6 am with my sister, jumping out of bed, bathing suits on with flips and towels, and off to the local park pool we went.
When the 5'oclock city whistle blew, and the smell of cooking oil masked the air, back we were for supper.
Meat and potatoes, simple and delicious.
Never forgetting the daily desert, which would range from home made cakes & cookies, or mom's famous cinammin rolls, or deep fried homemade donuts. Using her thimball for the hole, we would make our mini donuts, or "timbits" for us Canadians.
But it was always something, and something sugar filled and fulfilling.
And off we went, out until the sun would go down.
Our nights were spent playing skip rope, doubledutch, ball and the most favorite game, "hide and seek".
I remember the familiar scream like it was yesterday...
"Olly Olly Oxen Free!
Free to come out, without worry!
Free, without worry.
That is what it was like.
What was it like you for?
What can you take with you, now, from then, as freedom of life and love without worry?
We can, still, as adults, take the context of this and use it in our everyday lives, today.
When you don't think you can find the silver lining, and you are struggling just to make ends meet;
Know that there is no end to what you can be!
Olly Olly Oxen Free!
LuCy sMiLeS
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