Life has a way of giving you exactly what you set out for,
and set your mind to! Nothing more, nothing less..."
LoVe L.S.
What we think of ourselves, as children, has a powerful connection to what we think of ourselves as adults.
The only difference is that, as adults, we have a better understanding and better capability of dissevering what is logical to believe is true.
As children, our stresses come from not feeling adequate, accepted or appreciated by all those who surround us.
It can lead us to believe that how others treat us is how we deserve to be treated.
Why would we think otherwise?
As we get older, we can begin to see that no one does anything to us that we do not have the right to either accept or reject in our lives.
When hoping we make the right decisions as to how we want our lives to become, and who we wish to become close to, we must take ownership of the choices being rightfully ours to make.
Having said this, we will only make these decisions based on what we know of as right for us.
What may have made you fell less than wonderful in the past, you may realize has no impact on your life, now, that you know better.
We are all desserving of everthing our heart desires.
Whether we were told in school that would never amount to anything, or that we should just be happy with what we have- we have the right to have all we want, and amount to the most exceptional person, as this is our birthright.
So live up to your highest expectations of yourself, and believe in yourself as always knowing what is best for you, to reach that point.
You will only be able to go...
As far as you know.
LuCy sMiLeS
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