"Knowing what you want, and knowing how to get it are two different things"
LoVe L.S.
Quick question:
How quickly have you let a goal, a dream or a plan to fulfill your passions, go on a drop of a dime, only because you were unsure what to do?
How quickly have you let a goal, a dream or a plan to fulfill your passions, go on a drop of a dime, only because you were unsure what to do?
I can think, in my own life, of many things I couldn't wait to achieve, but put to the wayside simply because I couldn't understand or comprehend how to go about getting there. Everything in life is a lesson, and I do not for any reason regret these past "passed to the side" passions, as I learned from them, and now notice myself seeing what made me stand in my own way.
We can all have the best ideas, and the best intentions to manifest these ideas to fruition, however there are more steps beyond these ideas, before we can see them all come to life. Imagine for yourself, your vision.
We have heard of the "Law of Attraction", but in order to create these visions, we mustn't just think of them, or look of them on our created "vision boards." We must create a map that will show us, from start to finish how we can see ourselves achieving, and with what resources. We must look and look to tools that will assist us in accomplishing.
What do you want from life?How can you get there, and who can help you?Set your sights high in your life, but don't forget to have a "site map" to your success. And remember: We are all really great at something.Do what "you" are really great at, but never forget to ask those to help you, in things that you are not so great at.
It is not a hindrance.
How people learn they are so great at something, is by doing it.So if you DON'T ask, you are not allowing those to flourish in their craft.
So get going!And if you don't know where to start, check your map!
Happy Travels!
LuCy sMiLeS
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