Outdoor Cinema

"We are so programmed to think one way, we sometimes fail to recognize that there are other ways of being- like our own."LoVe L.S.

With a supposed limited number of hours a day to get everything in, we must take in how many of these hours we spend "in" focusing on things that we can do without.

I am not one for watching television, although I have certainly watched my fair share in the past.

I never actually realized the shift in my life, from paying more attention to my own outdoor surroundings, rather than surrounding my days with the fiction of lives and drama on TV.

We all need an "out" to let us regain composure and create a getaway from our every day stresses.
However, how much of this is spent actually enjoying the outdoors?

I have been writing for years, now, and noticed that the less time I spent in front of movies, and television, the more time I spent on manifesting my own passions to reality.

Not to knock those who enjoy lerning and growing from seeing the amazing and sometimes profound findings we may only have the chance to get from educational and motivational films and programs.

But how many of your day to day dramas are programmed by what we see in the fictional lives of others on screen? And how many moments do you try to keep up to the media's views?

I can say, in my own experience, my journey to find me, and live an authentic life of love and learning has certainly heightened by lowering the voices of that which doesn't pertain to my own real life.

Use your spare time to do things that make you smile, laugh, and calm down; but spare yourself from allowing programs on TV to program you into trying to be something you do not have to be, and shouldn't want to be.
Be yourself and enjoy a few stimulating episodes when you can, Rated "R".


LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Voice Mail

"Some things cannot be written to be heard." LoVe L.S.

In this day and age, we are so bombarded with emails, texts, blackberry messenger, facebook, My Space, Twitter... we forget what it sounds like to actually communicate with a voice.

I am not innocent. I am so used to using all of these less than personal conversing tools, I actually forgt to check my voicemail, as I don't think to, anymore.

What ever happened to picking up the phone to let someone know you care?

I have no problem with using all of these convenient tools to get through my business day, as being an Entrepreneur, I am always on the go, so having a blackberry, for me, allows me to keep up with the business demands, while cater to my schedule out of the office.

But when is it a better time to stop typing and start talking?

I have a select few people I DO pick up the phone, be it my parents, my sister, and my best friend, or boyfriend,where texting is not the only form of conversation, but instead enjoyable one on one relating. I realize how much better it feels to have an actual two way conversation!

Not to say with these people, I don't also enjoy sharing a one liner about a happening while they are not there, or a "thinking of you" gesture. But there is a difference between this being a casual communcation as opposed to a core communcation.

We can definitely use these amazing technologies to help, rather than hinder our lifestyles.

With so much being miscommunicated, in our day to day lives, as it is, let's make a point of picking up the phone.

There is nothing like the sound of a familiar voice, to get you through a stressful or busy day.

LuCy sMiLeS

Tell Me About It!

"If first impressions are everything, why do we wait until the last minute to show our true selves?"
LoVe L.S.

There are over billions of people on Earth, at any given day. In our search to find the "one" we not only struggle with where to look, we struggle mostly with how we look. So worried about how we are seen by this person, this perhaps "one" that we will spend the rest of our lives with. Perhaps.

Why is it that in our search, and in our connections with others, while searching, hopefully finding- we sometimes lose track, altogether, of what our needs are, in life, and in a lifelong commitment.

Before you decide what to do, where to go, how to be, and who to see- look within to be sure you know what you want your life, in love, to be like. You always know what feels right, and what feelings you can do without.

True connections won't leave questions as to whether or not you feel the same, because you will be able to truly be open, and tell each other about how you feel, where you are in your life, and what you are looking to have to complement you life. Yes, it is that easy! Imagine?We spend so much time spinning our wheels, and spinning our heads in confusion with wondering.

But once you know- and write down what you are not only willing to negotiate, also stating your non- negotiables, your quest for a successful relationship with your twin flame will magically ignite.

It happens that way.Be clear, and clean out the clutter of connections that don't line up with your wants, and most importantly, your needs.

They say there are a million fish in the sea- but if you are fishing in the wrong location, chances are, you are not going to find the right catch.

Find out what love looks like, for you- because when you do, you will find the "who" and it will change your life forever- and for the better.

And, it only gets better and better!

Love forever,

LuCy sMiLeS

"It takes going back to what worked to know what no longer does."
LoVe L.S.

Well it's official.
I have journeyed to and fro and to and fro again, until I now can see clearly that it is time to let go.

Is there something in your life, that you seem to hang on to, because it served you well?
Perhaps something that you subconsciously still believe serves you, because it just always had?

Something that if you stopped to look at it, you may be surprised to know that it is time, and very much ok, to now let go?

Perhaps you may feel saddened, as this "thing" was such a significant part of your life, and served such a purpose, you don't know your life, otherwise?

It can be anything.
A job, a friendship, a home, or even a habit.

We have a habit of keeping with us, things that served us, not realizing we can now move on, and better, but not having to attach and latch onto this.

In my own experience of personal and professional succeeding, I have seen, with my own eyes, that not all that served me and my purpose to now, has a purpose, still.

I can look, acknowledge, thank and let go of things, with gratitude and move on to what lies ahead on my path.

Many times, in life, we can attach to that which gives us familiar comfort.
However, maybe we can take comfort in knowing that we are always protected, no matter where we go, and the unknown is ok.

We can let go of the things that made us feel safe, and safely move along on our way, making way for the new!

Always follow your heart and never lose sight.
And always carry with you, what serves you right!

"Thank you, Vancouver, I love you...
I couldn't have done it, without you."

LuCy sMiLeS


"If we can believe that everything we see is a miracle, imagine the smiles we would see? "
LoVe L.S.
I am not sure about you, but in my life, I tend to act like a kid at many things around me as being unbelievable.

Whether it is the connections I have, how I have them, when they just seem so orchaestrated for my life to grow just where and with who I need-
to simply watching planes take off at the airport.

I am in awe of life.
And you know, it feels great.

We live our days, very much in autopilot that we sometimes fail to see the magic that surrounds us, in every corner.

Think about it!

How can we call England, and talk to a special friend, without a delay?
How does the fridge create ice?
How do lights just go on with the flick of a switch?

Don't EVEN get me started on TIVO.

Maybe I get entertained at the small things, but doesn't that make it so much better, in the large scheme of things?

Life really is unreal.

Pay attention to all the things that life has to offer, and the magic of every moment.

Maybe by doing so, perhaps the not so magical moments can feel less hinder some.

LuCy sMiLeS

Oh, What A Difference A Day Makes

"Yesterday gives us a chance to grow into tomorrow, today. "
LoVe L.S.

Whether it was a bad hair day, a bad workday, I promise you there is hope.

It is interesting, as much as we may know that everything is ever changing; if we are stuck in a rut, now, we can struggle with faith of a brighter tomorrow.

Much to our "surprise", it comes, that better day, and with such shock, we forget that yesterday was all that bad.

Until it comes back.
That's the thing about life.

Things come and go, people come and go, and bad days come and go.

So if for some reason you are having a bad day?
Know that tomorrow will be brighter, and you will be better because of it.

Yay to a better day!
Oh what a difference a day makes!

LuCy sMiLeS

Look At It This Way

"However you look at it, is how you will live it, no matter what it is "
LoVe L.S.

Whether it is the dreary Monday morning, after a relaxing and very stress free weekend; the end of the month, when the bills are due; or two hours before that blind date your best friend set you up with, with her cousin...

We all have our very own way of looking at things.
We also tend to have a habit of looking at things a certain same way, no matter what the issue is.

All three above scenerios can be looked at with anxiety, just as much as they can be looked at as a fresh start, or a new beginning.

I used to look at Monday Mornings, as a fresh start, when I had my 9-5 job, although many others in my office may have already been anxiously awaiting Friday afternoon. I really did.

Today, admittedly, being an Entrepreneur I have no idea what day it is, sometimes what month it is for that matter- so I use every day as a new day.

In my own current experience, I can very much say that not one day, not every one moment is the same. Things change in my own life, as I am sure, yours, at the drop of a hat!

We can create the best laid plans, and something or someone will come in and change every last step, from their presence.

Sometimes, we may be fortunate and sometimes, not so fortunate.
Fortunately, we have all the control over stepping up or stepping down to the situation.

Look at it this way:
Life may not always be what you wish, but it may not also be what it seems.

Use every lesson as an opportunity to see a new blessing.

You'll be happy you did!
If you look at it this way.

LuCy sMiLeS


"Knowing what you want, and knowing how to get it are two different things"
LoVe L.S.

Quick question:

How quickly have you let a goal, a dream or a plan to fulfill your passions, go on a drop of a dime, only because you were unsure what to do?

I can think, in my own life, of many things I couldn't wait to achieve, but put to the wayside simply because I couldn't understand or comprehend how to go about getting there. Everything in life is a lesson, and I do not for any reason regret these past "passed to the side" passions, as I learned from them, and now notice myself seeing what made me stand in my own way.

We can all have the best ideas, and the best intentions to manifest these ideas to fruition, however there are more steps beyond these ideas, before we can see them all come to life. Imagine for yourself, your vision.

We have heard of the "Law of Attraction", but in order to create these visions, we mustn't just think of them, or look of them on our created "vision boards." We must create a map that will show us, from start to finish how we can see ourselves achieving, and with what resources. We must look and look to tools that will assist us in accomplishing.

What do you want from life?How can you get there, and who can help you?Set your sights high in your life, but don't forget to have a "site map" to your success. And remember: We are all really great at something.Do what "you" are really great at, but never forget to ask those to help you, in things that you are not so great at.

It is not a hindrance.

How people learn they are so great at something, is by doing it.So if you DON'T ask, you are not allowing those to flourish in their craft.

So get going!And if you don't know where to start, check your map!

Happy Travels!


LuCy sMiLeS

If I Do Say So Myself

"I can look all around for the one with the answers, but it always comes right back to me! "
LoVe L.S.

"What if it's not the right thing to do, right now?"

"Maybe I am not supposed to make a decision just yet!"

"How will I know that choice is going to get me what I really need?"

"I don't know exactly what I need to know to make a educated choice!"

So many questions in our heads.So much uncertainty, day in and day out, it seems like we walk around with our heads filled with question mark after question mark, it's a wonder we get anything done during the day- and done "right" for that matter.

We are all, every last one of us, making decisions and choices about our lives, that we worry is not the right choice to make. What if the "other" choice, is right, instead?Right?

Life, I must say, is a doozie!It really is!

We live every day, living, and hoping the life we are living is the best one to live. We are sometimes so unsure of ourselves, we make the call to our nearest and dearest for support!

"Am I crazy to do this?"

"Does this sound like an ok thing to do?"

"What would you do?

Just pretend you're me, what would it be?" "I don't know, seriously, I just don't know!" In issues of the heart, or which hand to deal in life, the secret equation to find all your answers is very simple.

"You always know."

Whether or not you choose to believe this as such, is what will make your decisions for you. You can go around in circles wondering, but you will always get right where you need to be. By stopping, standing tall and enjoying where you are, you may make better decisions for you, about where it is you are going.

Decisions to get you there just a wee bit faster. So, life is very much up to you.If you need support, make the call, but realize in the end...
It's your call.
LuCy sMiLeS

Apparently So

What are your dreams?
What is standing in the way from you and achieving them?

All of us, at one point or another have set out for something,
in our lives, and made a conscious decision to carry out the necessary steps to attain this "something."

If you can take 10 minutes of your day, today,
write out all the things,
you can remember, from the top of your head,
that you have accomplished up to this very day.

The point of this exercise is not to focus so much
on the large things, as this may make your list
shorter than it deserves to be.

The point is to write anything, and everything you
can remember wishing to achieve, that you have in
turn achieved,
because of your drive to have it.
Everything you have accomplished, big or small,
from painting a bedroom,
to painting the town red in a foreign country you
always wished to see-
the same thing holds true...

You had enough of drive and ambition to carry it out.

It doesn't matter if you left a career to pursue your own

Entrepreneurial dreams, or made it through
the first week, successfully,in a position that scared you.

Whatever it is you want, you must want it badly
enough to take hold of it, and own it.

I am going to do this exercise, line by line, knowing that,
I can do anything my heart desires,
as long as my heart and soul are in line with my dreams.

Take your pen, hurry up and go.
Make your dreams apparently so.


As Far As I Know

Life has a way of giving you exactly what you set out for,
and set your mind to! Nothing more, nothing less..."
LoVe L.S.

What we think of ourselves, as children, has a powerful connection to what we think of ourselves as adults.

The only difference is that, as adults, we have a better understanding and better capability of dissevering what is logical to believe is true.

As children, our stresses come from not feeling adequate, accepted or appreciated by all those who surround us.
It can lead us to believe that how others treat us is how we deserve to be treated.

Why would we think otherwise?

As we get older, we can begin to see that no one does anything to us that we do not have the right to either accept or reject in our lives.

When hoping we make the right decisions as to how we want our lives to become, and who we wish to become close to, we must take ownership of the choices being rightfully ours to make.

Having said this, we will only make these decisions based on what we know of as right for us.

What may have made you fell less than wonderful in the past, you may realize has no impact on your life, now, that you know better.

We are all desserving of everthing our heart desires.

Whether we were told in school that would never amount to anything, or that we should just be happy with what we have- we have the right to have all we want, and amount to the most exceptional person, as this is our birthright.

So live up to your highest expectations of yourself, and believe in yourself as always knowing what is best for you, to reach that point.

You will only be able to go...
As far as you know.

LuCy sMiLeS

And Further-More

"The only place to go from here is ahead!"
Love L.S

I remember as a child, I would wonder about all these saying that I would hear my parents say. There were so many of them, that still to this day, I will laugh when I hear them, or laugh even harder when I use them.

Of all the many I still don't know the meanings for, there are a few, that ring true can mean more than they actually do.

There are so many ways we can look at life in abundance.
The same as we look at scarcity.

If we can always just know that whatever we have now, we will always have more to come, we may be in for a pleasant surprise.

It seems that many of us have a habit of assuming whatever is going on now, will always be going on.

So we do the same things, day in and day out.
We live every day the same as the last, wishing there was more to life.

The only way to get more out of life, is to give more in life, and to do more, in your life than you are doing right now.

Taking steps to success, by simply riding on the hope that our journey is heading to abundance leaves us only exactly where we are right now.

So, if you are hoping for more than what is, not only must you acknowledge what is, with love, you must learn to step it up a notch.

Take action by making an action log, of what you do on a daily basis that is above and beyond what you normally do.

It doesn't have to be much, but anything will do.

Carry it with you, and take note, and see what ends up in store.
And you will see, further- more...

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

Sometimes You Do; Sometimes You Don't

"The only way to learn what doesn't work is to do what doesn't work, and replace it with what does." Love L.S

When looking at all that we wish to execute, whether in our days, or in our lives overall, it is not an easy task to move forward, when we may feel like we haven't accomplished all we set out for, thus far.

We set ourselves up for so many things. Preparing and planning to execute our goals, organizing our schedules, and taking time to create a timely managed curriculum to create abundance.

Whether we have 2 or 10 things on our lists to tackle, we may get disappointed when we don't scratch off all that we want, perhaps scratching out the idea that we can be successful.

If you can take into consideration, when dealing with the chaos of life, that we will be ok getting done what we get done; we may better be able to live with the peace of mind.

It is always important to be proactive in pushing ourselves enough to follow our passions.

However it is also ok to forgive ourselves for perhaps not doing everything we wished to do, today.

Take the road to abundance one step at a time.
Take the time to map out your vision, so you have clear direction on this amazing journey.

But also make sure you don't take it out on yourself, too harshly, when not all you wanted to do, doesn't get done right away.

In life, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't...
And when you don't today, use tomorrow as an all new "Do" Day.

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

And Not A Moment Too Soon!

"If everyone soley relied on themselves,
they would be destined to fail."
~Roger Hallback

In a world where we want everything yesterday, sometimes it can be a struggle when we don't get what we are hoping to get, when we are hoping to get it.

We can very much continually focus on our goals and our dreams so much that we feel that we are not achieving what we set out for.
Because we simply haven't seen it yet.

They say "A Watched Pot Never Boils."
What it boils down to, when it comes to wanting something so badly, but not having it, is that it is not yet ready to be had.

In all circumstances, in my own life, and perhaps you can empathize, if you look closely enough, no matter how close I thought I was to getting what I wanted, or thought I deserve, it only came when it really was ready to, and when I was ready to have it.

We may only see this after the fact.
We may also forget that we always see this,. when whatever it is we are now focusing on, still isn't here.

We may not know how this is. We may not know why this is;

But know this...

Reaching hands are out to help you, so you best be ready to receive.
Life, love, luxuries, you name it,
they will come to you when you are ready to claim it.

And not a moment too soon.

Love Always,
LuCy sMiLeS

Olly Olly Oxen Free!

One of the nicest things, one of which magic brings.
How wonderful it used to feel when there seemed to be no such thing as time, and our days were spent dilly dallying until dusk.

As a child, I remember waking up as early as 6 am with my sister, jumping out of bed, bathing suits on with flips and towels, and off to the local park pool we went.

When the 5'oclock city whistle blew, and the smell of cooking oil masked the air, back we were for supper.

Meat and potatoes, simple and delicious.
Never forgetting the daily desert, which would range from home made cakes & cookies, or mom's famous cinammin rolls, or deep fried homemade donuts. Using her thimball for the hole, we would make our mini donuts, or "timbits" for us Canadians.
But it was always something, and something sugar filled and fulfilling.

And off we went, out until the sun would go down.

Our nights were spent playing skip rope, doubledutch, ball and the most favorite game, "hide and seek".

I remember the familiar scream like it was yesterday...

"Olly Olly Oxen Free!
Free to come out, without worry!
Free, without worry.
That is what it was like.

What was it like you for?
What can you take with you, now, from then, as freedom of life and love without worry?

We can, still, as adults, take the context of this and use it in our everyday lives, today.

When you don't think you can find the silver lining, and you are struggling just to make ends meet;

Know that there is no end to what you can be!

Olly Olly Oxen Free!

LuCy sMiLeS

Just Making Sure

When we make a decision in life, whether personally or professionally, we always still get tested where we stand.

Life's choices are not made and set in stone.
Some choices we make, we make to get to a place that is ours to be, and the choice that got us there, is no longer a choice to choose.

And sometimes it is.But when it simply no longer seems right for us, it is simply because we have changed.

We have so many twists and turns, that many a time we will be tested to find out if our true self still stands where we do.

These tests in life can be a hard hit, if we realize that we no longer fit in our roles, with integrity and moreover, authenticity.

There is no right or wrong turn on the journey of life.

But make sure you stop to evaluate your surrounding while you journey on.

While you may feel you have taken a turn for the worse, or perhaps a turn where least expected, embrace all tests that come to you just to make sure you are still on track.

LuCy sMiLeS

Shot In The Dark

"Many magical places I go now, are from taking chances to go where I have gone."
Love Di

Think of all the countless connections you have created since you can remember.

Of all of these wonderful and many magical connections, much of the magic can be noticed from the "seemingly concidental" creation of these connections.

I can, in my own life, look at all or many of the formed friendships, and see that these blessings in my life could have passed without a glance had I not taken certain opportunities, out of the box, in my life.

We know that we are always just where we are meant to be, and with whom we are meant to be with, now.

We also know the best way to embrace where we are, and with whom, is to live in the now, for what it has to offer.

However, if we can take chances, takes risks and sometimes times take a shot in the dark, to go after our dreams, we may be very much surprised by the serendipitous surroundings that are before us.

So before you opt out of thinking outside the box, or getting out of your comfort zone- know that sometimes it's the best thing to do.

And, if you are anything like me, your whole world will change forever, and forever for the better, when you do.

LuCy sMiLeS

Get Over It!

"We can try hiding from our fears, but they always have a way of finding us, in the end."Love Di

When we are going through something personal, traumatic, hurtful or down right intolerable,it is never easy to have others tell us to simply let it go.

There is always something inside us, while we are dealing with certain matters, that underneath it all, the misery serves some sort of purpose.

Not to say we truly enjoy being miserable, or truly enjoy having pain in our lives.But, simply, sometimes we sit with things longer than we may need, feeling likeit feels appropriate to hurt, and we allow ourselves to hurt much more than we do need.

Having said this, it is also important for us to look at why it is we carry on suchemotional burdens for perhaps longer than we need.Guilt? Unworthiness?

Feeling alone? Scared to grow?In life, we certainly have a select few things we would much rather do without, but if we can look at what we are going through, for the lessons, perhaps we willhave more ease in simply letting things go.It is always going to be something. Life is a series of courses, lesson after lesson.

Of course things are going to take place that we may not appreciate at the moment.So if we can look, learn and let go, to move on, we may have a better chance of living with less regret, less hurt and less blame.

When something comes your way? Don't deny it and hide from it. And definitely don't look to whoever may be beside you, to blame them for our lessthan favorable situation.Look at it, for what it is, observe how you are and who you are while in it.

Deal with it the best way you can, thank the universe for the lesson, and move on.

The less you carry with you from the past, the more magic you will see in your presentlife, and the more glorious the future will be. You can notice, when you clear your mind, all that is offered to you, every singleday, that you can truly be grateful for. But only if you look at life for all the abundance, instead of focusing on the scarcity,all you don't have, moreover, all you have that you don't want.

Get over the hurdles given, with a smile, and watch the sun rise to the occasionfor you on more days than not. And when it doesn't, because not always will it, get over it.

Tomorrow is another day.

LoVe,LuCy sMiLeS

Sticks & Stones

"Sometimes it takes a whole day of bad occurrences to realize how much they don't matter."
Love Di

We all have them. The bad day.
The really bad day. The day where we can always still recall the worse day, but it never makes the bad day any better.

We can be very much aware that we know there were worse days, but it seems like we cannot get ourselves out of this day that is still so seemingly a struggle.

And how is it that we can wake up the next day, after a bad day, and see the new day for the greatness it is, and not be able to even familiarize ourselves with what made the previous day so bad?

What makes your bad day so bad?
How does it measure to your worse days?

I had a friend in need of a friend for having such a day.
I realized after supporting my friend and listening, today, that I have been having a most magical wonderful day, myself.

And thankfully, as I was able to be positive in this struggle, rather than feed it.

I realized also, that this dear friend has had, in the past, had a most magical day, on the very day that was such a bad day for me.

And had ever so generously been there for me.

May you have a day blessed with greatness, but remember when you don't, you have a great friend somewhere, having a great day, and can generously help you in supporting you when the going gets tough.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but when emotions seem to hurt you, name off a few friends that would never hurt you, and make the call!


LuCy sMiLeS

Where To?

"Mother Earth is round, but I notice going in circles on her doesn't work in getting myself grounded."
Love Di

Every day we wake up, we are given yet another chance to do our best to stay in a positive frame of mind, connecting with our co-workers, our families, friends, and even strangers along our way.

Every day we wake up we are given yet another exciting chance to make a difference in our lives, in other people's lives, and in the life of the Earth in which we live, as a whole.

Every day, are are given yet another chance to rise to the occasion, or chose to wait until tomorrow to make really big things happen. We may feel off balance, and out of alignment due to stress, chores, bills, or issues with our connections with others.

We are here, now.
Where that is for us, as individuals will always be just that, individual.

And while we may struggle with where we are, we are always on our way to another place in time.

We can choose to embrace where we are and where we are going, or we can chose to resist this place, and as a result, we are resisting where that is taking us.

We don't all have to know what is next.
I know, for me, that is the best part.

But in order to love where we are and where we are going, we have to first accept ourselves for having put ourselves right where we stand, at this very moment.

No one has set you here, for you.
Granted, we have been through every single experience thus far, creating this space we stand; but it is not to be taken for granted.

Own this space, cherish it, and ground yourself, because your are going places far beyond the barriers of your mind.

Where to is all up to you!

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

You Started It!

"At the end of the day, all that really matters is matters of the heart."
Love Di

How much of our lives consists of the constant pointing of fingers.

We do our best to be our best, and when the best is not happening, we tend to look out for who had the nerve to make it so.

We have all done it.
Blame, accusations, judgment, attacking, complaining.

We can work hard to live and breathe accountability for our lives, and believe the truth that we create it ourselves.
But it seems that no matter how true this is, there will always be an instance, a situation, or circumstance that will pop up causing us a raised eye brow, and lash out at others, as a result.

It can be difficult to try and shift such strong programs as being a victim of circumstance, and turn it to being in control of the creation of our lives.

Whether or not we feel someone has done something to us; what we do, as a result, is how we can start to see why we are where we are in our lives.

Life may not always seem fair.

Things are going to happen, and things are going to hurt.
However, if we can play fair and take heart in the lessons, and take accountability and responsibility for our lives, perhaps our response to blame may change, afterall.

At least will be a good start.

LuCy sMiLeS