To explain many of the thoughts that come into my head I sometimes have to take a moment to understand myself, before sharing.
It isn't always black and white.
I am sure many of you have the same issue when it comes to what is going on in your minds; mostly, trying to discern where your thoughts come from, and what they mean.
We have so many experiences in one day; communication with so many people- sometimes the hardest communication comes with our own connection to our feelings.
We can come clear, most, when we let go of expectations, and release any fears we have that may hinder our thoughts.
Kind of like that song "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone..."
Once we let life take it's course, as it will, anyway, and really take the moments to enjoy it for what it is, not all that we wish and hope for it to be; we may have a better chance at enjoying the scenery, whether it be sunshine, clouds, or a rainy day.
There is something to be said for making the most of the moment.
But to spend all our time trying to figure out what our minds are saying, we may miss out on the most magical moments of all.
If you can trust in your heart to always have your back, you can keep living life at the forefront of your mind!
Here's to a Magical Year of living life to the fullest, believing in ourselves for all that we are, and supporting all those we surround ourselves with to do just the same!
I can't think of a better way to spend my New Year!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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