"We never know what is in store. But once delivered, we certainly always know what to do with it" Love Di
True, we never really have a clue what is around the corner in our lives. We can do as best we can to plan, prep and put in place procedures. This, to be certain that we have our ducks in a row, or our eggs sometimes in one basket if we so choose.
But as luck has it, many times it doesn't matter how much we plan, or how comfortable we get in a certain situation in our lives, things are bound to change.
Impermanence. We should tattoo this word to our heads. Backwards of course, so we are not completely confused when we remind ourselves, every morning, noon and night, when looking in the mirror- that this is life.
This too shall pass, but this too shall change.
By getting stuck, attached or obsessed with things, whether people, jobs, to material mayhem; we are setting ourselves up not only for disappointment, but for a hard time dealing with when this will in fact change in our lives.
Allow for what comes your way to just be as it is.
A package with your name on it, to do what you wish with it.
We all have special messages, that come toward us from every direction. Some magical, some more trouble than they are worth.
Know that we can use these experiences, these deliveries as tools to grow with. Having said that, these can be tools that we can sometimes in fact reject, with a "thank you for the gift but I am not interested" response.
Everything that comes our way does so to test our patience, and our place on our path. To learn about ourselves. To see how far we have come.
And these deliveries will find their way in your life, over and over, like auto-order until you face them, deal with them, however you must.
But mostly LEARN from them...
And move on.
Love ya!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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