"If we had all the time in the world,
we can still only use it up one moment at a time"
LoVe Di
It is said that one thing we all share in common is that we all only have 24 hours in our day.
No one has more, and no has less. How we use our time, is how we can differ in effectiveness, success and peace in our lives. While it is important to live in the moment, and create memories from being with each other, by being completely "with it" where we are, it is also important to create serenity by sticking to a schedule that can allow us this peace.
When we don't have structure, it is so easy to not only get off course, but to waste alot of our time going in circles, resulting in chaos and struggles with trying to get things done.
Many times, we don't get anything done after all.
Be sure you are aware of what you have going on in your life, by making sure that you are getting the things done that are pending, so you can use the rest of your time to enjoy the moments for what they are, and what they have to offer.
This one time, is just that, one time only.
Make the most of it!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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