"If I cared about what everyone else had to say, I would be committed!"
LoVe Di
There are so many ups and downs, sun shines after rains, and love after pains in our lives, it's a wonder we are still able to cope.
Every day we wake up, and we are faced with numerous tasks, tackles, and tribulations. It is not just our lives we are trying to deal with, but those who we share our lives with. Whether we are raising a family or building friendships- issues raised in one life, is spread into each life, either directly or indirectly.
It is so important to be in upmost trust, love, respect, honesty and understanding with our inner journey so we can project the best energy to those who we love and those who we live with.
I always say to my friends that "We can get through anything with love", but just as with saying this, I say "We cannot get through anything without love."
Our relationship with ourselves, with others and with the world as a whole may often seem hit and miss. But we may soon find that as soon as we truly find our purpose, we can then notice that we come full circle, and that we are much more ready and able to be there, in all ways possible.
It would be nice to be behind the camera, or behind the curtain to see what the Universe has up his/ her sleeve.
But a much as we act like we have, and wish we had all the answers...
We like life being the mystery that it is...
All along.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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