"It is much easier to breathe when we
are travelling at the pace of grace"
LoVe Di
It goes without saying that at one point or another in our lives, we have all had pending issues, pending emotions or pending relationship communications still waiting in the wing to be dealt with.
Besides having personal circumstances in our lives that come up; we also have the responsibility of showing up to our other numerous duties. Many times, many of these things seem to take a big hit at the same time.
This is what makes life so complex.
In a perfect world, we would be able to balance off being given the opportunity to cater to the personal issues, when our plates are not so full with work or other issues.
In a perfect world, we would know, as well, just what tools are needed to mend all of these situations, nailing them all on the head in one easy hit!
But, as it is, life is not so.
Life just is what it is, for whatever it is, as we go.
We are not going to have all of the answers, and even if we did- we will certainly not have them all at the exact right time that we need them, or so we think.
But, if we can at least pay attention to when our thoughts, emotions, and hearts are telling us that something needs a closer look; perhaps then we can have a head start on working with what needs work.
And sometimes our minds are telling us to slow down altogether, and not to work so hard.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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