"Many times I wonder, yes- but many of my wonders lead to wonderful"
LoVe Di
"Search and you shall find" I remember hearing as a little girl.
I was never sure whether or not I was capable of being so clever to look in the right places, however. This would lead me not only feeling a bit lost, but also thinking I was spending a lot of extra time looking in these places, when I could have instead been in the right place at the right time.
We are always walking, wondering 'what if' I walked this way instead of that way, if we would have a better chance of finding our way.
What we must know, with all certainty, is that where we are is where we are, and that is where we are to be. That's it. What is simply is what is!
And in our search for answers, the place to find them is no further than right here, and right now.
We just have to trust ourselves that the first choice we make, in any situation, is the right choice for us, at that moment.
And if you change your choice, moments after, it is still your first choice, for that moment- because only that moment exists!
So choose away!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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