"If I thought size didn't matter I wouldn't care to follow my biggest dreams."
LoVe Di
We have all done it. We look at what we want for our lives.
What it would look like if we did certain things, so important to us, and so near and dear to our hearts.
Whether it is living in a more favorable location, driving a more favorable car, or succeeding on a more favorable career path, what we most likely all have in common, as well, is that we will consciously look at this, and we all think about it.
The part that matters most is that we will decide it really doesn't matter, and toss it aside. We continue on our current path, and tell ourselves that those "dreams" are not really all that important. What we have now is just fine, tolerable, and even if slightly unbearable- we will focus on the fact that it is "slightly" unbearable, so ok to continue, for now. We are fine.
We play the role of being content with our living situations, in all aspects. We will justify why we are remaining perhaps stagnant.
"I am not ready to make any big changes in my life."
"I am not only thinking of myself. I have my family, and my kids to worry about."
There is nothing wrong with playing it safe for the sake of others.
But when are we really using these justifications to downsize our dreams, and to make it ok in our heads why we are not budging on the belief that we can in fact be happier?
Any dream you have, you are entitled to.
Any goal you wish to execute is all yours.
No matter how big or small, or so big, you decide to make it seem small, and not so important to look further into.
We all know it takes more energy to resist things, than to release our fears, and just go for it!
Nothing has to happen overnight, but when you wake up every morning, not fulfilling your dreams, it can make for a long day.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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