"Consider being easy going;
Even when the going gets a little tough "
LoVe Di
All Things Considered
I just double checked, to be sure.. And, yes- it looks as though we cannot change the past. It seems what is done, is done.
What we can do, however, is find ways to better our future while living as much in the moment as we can.
Not every breath we take is going to be easy breezy, and not every step we take is going to be without fall.
It is not a matter of making sure that all goes according to plan. As well all know, plans change. But if we can consider ourselves in everything we do, and give every moment we can- our all, than at least we know we are living life, all things considered.
We tend to overcomplicate everything with analyzing, evaluating, contemplating; and worst of all second guessing.
All of these behaviours only deter us from what is.
And that is that every moment, we are given a choice.
Every situation that comes our way- we are given a choice.
It is not what is going on that is important, but what we do concerning what is going on.
So go on, and live your life- decide what is best for you, once you have considered yourself best...
All of our answers are in front of us, it is just a matter of whether or not we consider using them.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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