"It seems whether I go in circles for an hour, or a day, I end up right where I was!"
Love Di
It is true that no matter how you slice, dice, or chop any situation, it is what it is. How we look at it, and what we chose to do with it, is what matters. We can walk away; hide; pull the sheets, or the wool over our eyes- depending on how much you pay for your bedding; but one thing will always remain... The same thing that was in front of us, before we attempted the escape, is still there.
I speak from experience when I say it feels much worse dodging the issue, whether it be procrastinating a task, not picking up the phone to deal with pending bills, or bickering with a loved one... We are going to have to face the music at one point or another, so why not just stand tall and take it like a Man? For all you women out there, we know we can be just as much a Man as the best of them- so there is no discriminating here!
The recipe for a good life is so simple, so original, and doesn't need complicated tweaking, adding more ingredients to make it sweeter.
All we all want is to love, and to be loved,
But when we mask our lives with focusing on all the scary and unnecessesary things, we take away from the original recipe.
Pay attention and pay up all that you have to, to take care and to be sure you are secure, and safe in life- don't run in circles in fear or in frustration, just take the steps that are paving the way to success, one step at a time, moving forward...
We are so busy chasing our dreams, and running from our nightmares, that we can overlook the simple acts of kindness and the simple words and gestures to remind those that we love, simply that we love them.
We could be surprised at how subtle reminders that we are cared for can assist us in cutting all the red tape of fear, and can help us take a step back and see what was hard for a moment, is easier done with the support of our amazing circle of friends.
Love, LuCY sMiLeS
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