"There is something to be said for silence."
Love Di
There isn't too much that floors me, anymore.
I have seen it, done it, and thought it, and in the process of writing the book about it, so I know a thing or two about taking thoughtful consideration in choosing my thoughts. As it stands, even when many of my own thoughts, I cannot personally stand; thoughts are all that life really is all about.
We have choices in life, but our choices are a projection of what we believe, and from our thoughts we create all that surrounds us.
If I had a penny for every nervous, negative, and worrysome thought- which usually has alot to do with financial security- the crazy part about it is I would be financially free!
Think about it.
We all, really, at the end of the day- as much as we would thoroughly enjoy having "it all"- simply want to be sure that we are cared for, financially, so we can enjoy all that life has to offer, without worry.
We have more in common than we realize.
But if our common thoughts are focusing on the scarcity in our lives, and wondering how we will get through, when times are tough- we don't make way for building on solutions, resulting in building the financial dynasty that we all know we have in us.
We have our ups and downs, and times will get tough, but if we can transform our thoughts to create a positive shift, we may knock our socks off with the results!
Perhaps when you notice yourself get carried away with negative voices, you can start by putting a sock in it.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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