"It is not the have, but the hold, that is dear..."
Love Di
We have all lost things, or people in our lives, and in reflection, have wondered if we had done, or said something different, would things be different. It is never easy, going through a transition, when we may have only wished for things to be different.
So much of our time is wasted, with thinking, and focusing on the things in our lives, which, if taken away, would actually not mean much, and would mean no real loss.
So, why is it that we hold on to those things?
If you take inventory in your life as to what you hold dear, be sure, while you still have it near and dear to your heart, that you cherish and care for it with all of your heart.
Jobs, material belongings, even memories will come and go, but don't let go of what is important; of what you cannot imagine living without.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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