"Sometimes all happens at once; For all these things, all we need is eachother"
Love Di
Maybe it is just me, but it seems that at a time, when we are reaching a higher level of Spirituality and "Awakening" many of us may call it; we are also facing much despair and fear, economically, and socially.
Why is this so?
If we look deeper at all that is taking place, we can see the protection of the universe, and it's plan to ensure care among all, and among all things that are existing around us.
When it seems much is caving in, either in our own lives, or the world as a whole, we are that much more intuitively preparing ourselves, collectively, to assist and nurture under such duress.
Once we change our habits, we change our lives.
Making a habit of working together, and loving and supporting each other, makes getting through even the toughest of times seemingly easier.
Not every day is going to be spent tip-toeing through the tulips, but if we can surround ourselves with those that help us grow, and help those who may need a but more of a nudge to keep going, we may be surprised at just how fast our weeds will die, leaving room for the most beautiful flowers we ever saw.
It only takes one thought to change the world, and if we can do it in one fell swoop, there is hope for us yet!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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