"We all have wings,
we just haven't used them yet"
LoVe Di
In walking yesterday, a beautiful black feather breezed along my foot, just enough for me to catch it, before it was to continue its effortless journey throughout the universe.
I use many of my daily experiences to my advantage when it comes to seeing things in my own life for what they are. Isn't that the point? We can walk with our eyes closed, and come up with confusion for what is going on, so we don't have to feel it was our creation... Or we can allow the moments to take our breath away, and in some cases make us stop dead in our tracks, to catch our breath, and grasp what is going on. In my case, I was to grasp a feather, and realize what this meant for me, and for my life, at that very moment.
Our trials are only as easy or as hard as we allow them.
We can breeze through things, and focus on the solutions, or we can be weighed down by them, not being able to see that there is a light of day.
We will get heavily hit once in a while, all of us.
Every last one of us.
Understanding that we are capable of changing not only our circumstances, but our views on them, we can then create all that we ever imagined, and be accepting when not everything falls on our laps like we would all like.
We have all heard it "This too shall pass", but if you can take it one step further and be open to all the magical messages that pass you along the way, that are yours for the taking; perhaps you will be able to breathe easier when scarier than normal circumstances may leave you trying to catch your breathe.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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